12 Hours of Sleep – Cruise Day 2

TUESDAY, Day 2 – Day at Sea sailing to George Town, Grand Cayman. (If you missed it, check out Day 1.)

We went to bed the night before, before 10pm, and we ended up sleeping in until 10am the next morning! As I mentioned before, we had an interior cabin, so there were no windows, and it was pitch black in our room. We had planned to wake up and get going around 8:30, but didn’t wake up until they made a ship-wide announcement, and it dinged in our cabin! Apparently, being the parents of a very busy 1-year-old girl makes you need 12 hours of sleep on the first night of your cruise!  …

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Packing & Preparing for Our Cruise!

Today was a loooong, busy day. It’s a little past 10pm, and I’m just now really sitting down to rest for the first time since… well, since all day. Since it’s late, and I’m exhausted, I’m going to keep the writing to a minimum tonight and just share a few quick things.

Yogurt & toast for breakfast before church.

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French Toast & Puffins & Chores

Jeff went to the church first thing this morning in for a men’s breakfast, followed by a few hours spent as a work day on our church campus. So I made cinnamon & pumpkin french toast for Emmie and I. Unfortunately I didn’t realize until everything was done, that we didn’t have any syrup. Oh well, plenty of butter did the trick.

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Rarely in my life do I get migraines. In fact, I can probably count on one hand the number of real migraines I’ve ever had in my life. And tonight is one of those. It came on out of nowhere after work tonight, and at 7:30 (after taking Tylenol at 6pm, which usually works for me) it’s not gotten any better. I didn’t feel like cooking, so Jeff got Guthrie’s on the way home, and that was good. Here are a few photos from the day, and now I’m gonna try to lay still & quiet & hopefully this will go away soon.

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Strange Sunday

Today ending up being kind of a strange day. Strange in the fact that I didn’t take my first photo until 1:30pm, and after that, I still barely took any. But anyways, here’s a rundown of the day…

We went to Sunday School & church, both of which were great. Emmie wore a cute, fancy dress, that I didn’t get a photo of.

*Monday morning edit* – One of Emmie’s sweet Sunday school teachers just sent me this photo! Thank you, Mrs. Kristin!

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Mama Called The Doctor And The Doctor Said…

That baby girl has hand foot mouth. Well I didn’t call, I took the day off and we went in to the pediatrician’s office first thing this morning. Our normal doctor/friend Abby was off today, but we saw our next favorite person, the nurse practitioner Mona. I had noticed these sores around her mouth yesterday, but didn’t think too much of it. I thought the one in the center of her top lip was from when she busted her lip Friday, and then the others just started showing up yesterday afternoon, and I was hoping maybe her skin was just irritated from all the snot. But then she also developed a few bumps on her bum, and teeny tiny barely visible ones on her legs too. So by the time Mona saw her this morning, she gave us a very quick diagnosis.

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It’s Been A Rough Day

Today has been kind of a rough day. Emmie is still not feeling well, and although the fever didn’t even break 100° today, she barely slept, ate very little, and was super fussy all day long. To top it off, I don’t feel good myself now (started around lunch time – sore throat, headache, stuffy nose), so that’s lovely too. A few quick notes about the day, before I attempt to go to bed early…

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