Leotard & Lettuce Wraps
Addison slept allll through the night last night, until about 6:45am, and Emerson was super excited for ballet today, even wore her leotard to school this morning!
Leotard & Lettuce Wraps Read More »
Addison slept allll through the night last night, until about 6:45am, and Emerson was super excited for ballet today, even wore her leotard to school this morning!
Leotard & Lettuce Wraps Read More »
We had a good nights’ sleep last night, and woke up feeling happy and refreshed this morning. We missed our triplets today (they were on their way to Disney for their big 3rd birthday celebration!), but we still had a good drop-off, and I was loving Emmie’s new dress.
Last night, I was exhausted, and I went straight to bed after putting Emerson and Addison to sleep. I didn’t clean the kitchen, wash dishes or bottles, or blog. So tonight, this is one giant two-day post (and it’s also “Twosday,” 2/22/22!), for both yesterday & today. I am still tired though, and I do still have dishes to wash, so I’m going to bust this out as quickly as possible…
Today was an especially hectic morning before church, but we had a great morning at church anyways. We went out for Mexican with the family after church…
Emerson’s First Sporting Event! Read More »
My sweet girls started out with breakfast at Grammy & Papa’s house in their jammies…
Doing a quick, short post tonight, before Jeff and I run out the door for dinner on a rare date night! Grammy picked up the girls from school for a sleepover, so we’re about to leave now, and then I’ll just get to “take the night off” later!
This morning, Emmie chose Y for YARN for her show & tell bag today, and it was a mess, but it was all her idea, and she was so proud of it!
I had the happiest little girlies this morning, just smiley and sweet and giggly! Emmie was wearing her leotard and tights under her dress, excited for ballet this morning.
Addison slept really well last night (all through the night, until about 5:30am), and Emerson was sleeping so well, she had to be woken up at 7am! Both girls were well-rested and happy this morning, and so was Mama!
Dinner & Rehearsal Read More »
Both girls back at school today, even with Addison not feeling quite better yet. She was still smiling when I left her though, and she slept better last night than the night before, so that’s a step in the right direction!
Korean Lunch & Thai Dinner Read More »