Crawdads & Popcorn

My two little watermelon girls! Emerson was dressed and ready for water day, in hopes the weather would clear up in time, but no such luck… And Addison was just adorable like always!

I ran some errands on my lunch break to Dollar Tree (for movie snacks) & Goodwill (looking for the specific book series I’m trying to “collect”). The snack run was good, and I even got this $1.25 iced latte that was actually pretty good. Didn’t find any of the books I was actually looking for at Goodwill, but I did find the hardcover copy of this book I’ve already read and loved, and decided I wanted to own for $4.

Emmie didn’t get to do water day, but she did have a short day. And Addie had a great day too!

Then a few hours later, I picked up Emerson early from school for her 5-year-old well check-up appointment. We had a little extra time, so we stopped at the Goodwill bookstore at Betton, to check around there too. Emerson started walking around, and was like, “I’m gonna explore over here, okay Mommy?”

Then we went to her appointment, where she passed her vision test and hearing test, and weighed in at a whopping 34 pounds, and measured all of 38 inches. She’s still tiny (15th percentile for weight and height), but she’s growing! She’s grown 2.5 inches in the past year.

After the appointment, we met up at Growing Room to pick up Addison. Then Steven dropped off Britteny with me, and Jeff came to take the girls home. Then the dads took the girls back to our house for a pizza playdate…

And Britteny and I went to AMC to see “Where the Crawdads Sing.” I read this book for the first time back when it was first published in 2018, and instantly loved it. Then I read it for a second time in 2019, and still loved it, and I even went to an author event in Thomasville to hear her speak. Then when they announced it was going to be made into a movie, I knew I had to see it as soon as it came out! I sent the trailer to Brit a few months back, and she immediately agreed and wanted to see it too. And it was so stinking good! Even though I obviously knew the storyline and plot, I still teared up a little in parts. I just really loved it, and it was so nice to go out and have a girls night with my bestie!

I even brought home the popcorn refill to share with Jeff and Emmie, strapped into Emerson’s car seat so it didn’t spill.

I took Britteny home after the movie, and came home to find Emerson had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for me to get home. So I loved on her and put her to bed, and said her prayers and sang her lullaby. I’m finishing up this post much later than usual, and I have a little headache, so I’m going to grab some meds and head off to bed!


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