Homemade Orange Pineapple Sherbet
We started off our morning with breakfast pizza from Walmart – sausage, egg & cheese toppings, on a biscuit crust with white gravy for the sauce. Sooo good!
Homemade Orange Pineapple Sherbet Read More »
We started off our morning with breakfast pizza from Walmart – sausage, egg & cheese toppings, on a biscuit crust with white gravy for the sauce. Sooo good!
Homemade Orange Pineapple Sherbet Read More »
We had the most perfect at-home, summer day today. We were busy little bees, and I’m exhausted (I’m the only one still awake, Jeff has been asleep since about 8:30 already), so let’s jump into it… Egg-in-the-hole for Jeff and me for breakfast, Addie had scrambled egg & buttered bread, but Emmie just wanted cereal.
Perfect At-Home Summer Kickoff Day Read More »
For their end-of-the-year celebration, the VPK classes had a special water day today. So when Emerson woke up at 6am, I watched her on the camera grab her bathing suit, and get herself dressed, before she did anything else. She was so excited about water day, and so excited about this new Ruffle Butts bathing suit from Grammy!
Gardenias, Snails & Dandelions Read More »
We had such a big, exciting day today – Emerson graduated from VPK at our beloved Growing Room! So since we have tons of pictures today, I’m gonna keep my writing to a minimum… Quick drop-off at school this morning…
Emerson’s VPK Graduation! Read More »
Before work this morning, I got busy on our dinner for tonight. I was craving a crockpot pot roast, after smelling it in my friend Heather’s office one day last week (when she brought her leftovers for lunch), and decided I needed to make one this week. I had the potatoes from my friend Amanda’s backyard garden, and Heather gave me those onions from her dad’s backyard garden, and even though I didn’t have the Ranch seasoning packet, I added some of the herbs & spices to mimic those flavors. And so by 7am, I was already looking forward to coming home at the end of the day, with my house smelling amazing. And looking forward to eating that delicious meal!
These two are just the cutest, and that face Addie is making in the first photo is just so funny!
Happy little girls, on a Monday morning. This is last official week of VPK for Emerson (even though she’ll still be at daycare all summer), and Addison was looking like such a big girl standing there in her cute dress and sandals!
Arts & Crafts & Curls Read More »
We did good this morning getting up and moving and started on our breakfast casserole for my Sunday school class. I had my little helper of course, who always loves to do whatever I’ll let her help with.
Building a Terrarium in our Jammies Read More »
We did actually get to “sleep in” a little bit today, until around 7 am or so. I got up and started cleaning up some in the kitchen (from stuff piled up the last few days), and then made us all some egg sandwiches for breakfast.