Finally Fever-Free!

Baby girl slept all through the night last night, and woke up fever-free this morning! Praise the Lord! So she’ll stay home one more day with Grandmommie, and hopefully the fever won’t come back today, and she can head back to school tomorrow. She wanted some cereal for breakfast, and since I didn’t have to leave as early as usual, I got to sit with her while she ate, and get lots of hugs before leaving.


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Licking the Butter Knife

My sick, sleepy little girl actually slept in a little today. Grandmommie came over around 7:15, I left for work around 7:30, and Emmie didn’t even wake up until 7:50. So I didn’t even get to see her this morning, which made me sad, but I was also glad she was getting good sleep… especially since she woke up at 12:45am with fever, crying and thirsty. So I changed her diaper, we gave her Tylenol & a sip of ice water, and I sang lullabies and rocked her back to sleep. Anyways, Jeff was still at home when she woke up this morning, and he said she was doing better, and happy to see Grandmommie.


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In With the New!

So it seemed unusual for Emmie to still be sleeping, when I went into her room to wake her up at 7am. But pretty much as soon as I clicked her lamp on, I knew she wasn’t feeling good. She had still been sound asleep, and started whining when I woke her up. Poor little girl had dried snot everywhere, and when I picked her up, she was super warm. I took her temp, and it was 102/103. We gave her some Tylenol, and obviously she would be staying home for the day…


Her and I had some cereal together at the table, while Jeff got ready for work. (I was already dressed & ready, before I went into her room.) We shared her leftovers with Pretzel, and she loved sitting next to him while he finished the last few pieces & drank her milk.



Jeff had a few extra minutes before he needed to leave for work, so he put together Emerson’s new kitchen stool, that we got from IKEA, since she loves to watch & help in the kitchen so much lately. (And here’s a your first real glance at the new couch!)


Grandmommie came over to help keep Emerson home for the day, so that I didn’t miss a whole day of work. I do actually have enough sick-leave that I could have taken the day off, but things are so crazy at work lately, I didn’t want to leave them stranded. Especially if Emerson is sick for a few days in a row, and I need to take her to the doctor later this week, I’ll take off time then instead. Plus, Grandmommie & Emerson have such a special relationship, they were both thrilled for this opportunity to stay home together!


And sadly, all three of the triplets have fevers today too! Kensley was actually sick first, with a fever last Friday. Then today, both Ellie & Riley (and Kensley still too) woke up with fevers today as well. Luckily, they have two nannies that keep the girls’ in their own home, so they didn’t have to make any special arrangements. Please pray for all four of our girls to get better soon!

Before all of our girls got sick, Megan and I had already made plans to have a lunch date today. Luckily, we were still able to do that, and we had a great time together! She picked me up from my office (we work only 2 blocks away from each other), and we went to Olive Garden, for a $5.99 special on the soup, salad & breadsticks.


For our first bowls, I got the chicken & gnocchi, and Megan got the zuppa toscana. Then we both got the zuppa for our second round. And I ended up liking the zuppa the best! But both were very yummy.


When Meg first picked me up, I opened the door to her car and instantly noticed we were matching. This happens all the time, and we find it very amusing. Black & white stripes, black sweater, hair up with side part, pear earrings, cross-body purse. Then when we got up & walked away from the table, the two ladies next to us noticed, and thought it was funny we matched, and then when we told them we were sisters, they liked it even more, and said, “Ahh well that makes sense then!” Too funny!


And finally – out with the old & in with the new! It’s low & squishy, and kind of modern, and lighter gray than our old one, and we’re loving it so far! We need lots of new throw pillows, as all of our old ones either went with the old couch, or they’re so old they’re just a pancake. But the couch itself is super comfy, and we’re really enjoying it!



I came home straight after work today, to take care of my baby girl. She had a good day with Grandmommie, but she felt bad all day, barely ate much, and was just pitiful. She drank plenty of ice water, but not much else. She needed her mama though! After Grandmommie left to head home, she just wanted me to hold her, and she actually fell asleep on my shoulder, while we were just sitting on the floor, swaying side to side. Poor, sweet baby girl.



Before she had fallen asleep, she told me she wanted chicken & cheese noodles for dinner, so I called Jeff and asked him to bring home Chick-fil-A for dinner. I had actually planned to make Instant Pot chicken noodle soup, but decided to put that on the back-burner, in favor of something I knew she’d eat really well. And she did! She ate three nuggets, and half of her noodles.


We had some time after dinner before bedtime, so she alternated between cuddling up with Mommy, and playing a little bit, and reading some books.




She read the caterpillar book to us tonight, and did a great job of it! Below, she’s saying, “in lighta da moon, widdle egg on weaf!” (In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf.)


She stayed up later than I had planned, but once we finally got through all four bedtime books and prayers, she was very easy with lullabies and I laid her down in her crib to go to sleep.

She’ still had fever most of the day today, so she’ll have to stay home from school tomorrow too. Grandmommie has offered to come back over to our house tomorrow to take care of her. Then if she’s still sick/feverish by Wednesday, I’ll take her to the doctor’s office then to see Abby. Megan has the same plan actually, and will take her girls to see Abby Wednesday too if they’re all still sick. Please pray for all four of our little girls to feel better soon!

No dishes, I cleaned the house right before Emmie’s bedtime, and so that means I get to just chill! Jeff already made our hot tea for tonight, so now we just have to decide on something to watch. We watched the new remake of “Aladdin” on Disney+ (took us three separate nights to get through it), and we loved it. So good! So, what’s next?!

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Swedish Food & Furniture

Well with all the excitement of finally getting out of the car, meeting new family members, and even getting some sweet gifts, this crazy Tater Tot didn’t go to sleep until 10:30pm last night! Which is definitely the latest she’s ever stayed up straight without sleeping, but she was still surprisingly happy and sweet. The adults all ended up staying up till 1am chatting, and just enjoying catching up!

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Choir & Calendars

This cute little girl was happy this morning, with her adorable romper & her blueberry muffin. And even though she’s only worn this romper three or four times, she’s about to outgrow it already! She may not be gaining much weight or getting much “bigger,” but she’s certainly growing taller, and this outfit is almost too short for her now. We may pass it down to the triplets, and see if they can wear it a time or two before they outgrow it, but in different ways 😉


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Churro’s & Chuck Taylor’s

My baby girl woke up at exactly 6:10am again this morning. But I took her an extra paci (just for good measure), and told her she needed to rest more because it wasn’t wasn’t time to wake up yet. And I actually got 30 more minutes of sleep out of that! Then all three of us woke up, and cuddled for a few minutes, before we had to start baths & showers before church.

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Homegrown Florida Citrus

Who’s surprised to know that my tiny Tot woke up at like, 6:10am? No one? That’s what I thought. This Mama was exhausted from the get-go. But she sweetly sat in my lap, and ate a pack of gummies while we watched Octonauts for a while.


we woke up Daddy around 7:30, and all ate Cinnamon Toast Crunch together. Jeff doesn’t drink the milk from his cereal, and that’s Emmie’s favorite part, and she loves to drink his leftover milk from the bowl with a straw.




After hanging out a little at home, and dealing with a bit of laundry, we got dressed to head out for the day. Emmie was very excited about bring Snoopy & Charlie Brown on our errands with us!


We went to Badcock, Turner’s Budget & Ashley Furniture today. We found a few things we liked, and one we really liked more than all the others. We didn’t actually pull the trigger today though, but we might go back tomorrow, since their sale only lasts through Monday.




Between the 2nd & 3rd store, Little Bit was getting hangry & tired, so we stopped in for the lunch buffet at KFC, and this girl tore up a drumstick and two helpings of mac & cheese.




After lunch, she was feeling good enough for us to attempt the 3rd store, but halfway through she was exhausted and needed Daddy to carry her around for a while. We got the man’s card, took some photos, and got outta there lickety-split, so we could put her down for a later-than-normal nap.




This is the one we’re thinking about getting, from Ashley Furniture. I’m not a fan of the print or black color on the throw pillows, but they come with it for free, so I could just find & order some covers for them.


Emmie went down for her nap super easy this afternoon, because she was exhausted. I almost put myself to sleep while I was rocking her, and as much as I wanted to take a nap myself, I decided to be a responsible grown-up, and work on taking down our Christmas decorations instead. I made myself an iced coffee, put in my headphones to listen to my audio book, and got to work! Jeff opened up all the windows & our sliding glass door, so it felt really great while I worked.







I wrote this first half of the blog while Emerson slept & Jeff folded clean clothes. Once she woke up, she helped vacuum the living room, after she watched me vacuum the dining room.


And then we went outside to start harvesting our oranges! We believe we had over 200 oranges last year, and I’m pretty sure we had close to 350 this year! We always give oranges to our family, friends and neighbors. We also each take huge baskets to put out at our offices, and we usually take a box to give out at church. And we still have a hard time getting rid of them all! So let me know if you want some, and we’ll hook you up!


I picked them off the tree, and handed them to her to put in all of our baskets. She is very polite lately, so every time I handed her one, she said, “Thank you, Mommy!” Ugh, she’s just so sweet!





She took her job of organizing and gathering very seriously.



After a while, I had to grab the stool to start picking the taller ones. And then as I was up on the top of the little ladder, she tried to sit down on it. I told her she had to at least let me get down first. Then she sat down and and “I tired, I need a rest.”



The tree has grown super tall this year, so even with Jeff up on the step-ladder, there were still tons we couldn’t reach. So he grabbed the rake and just started shaking the fool out of the tree, until they all came raining down! Honestly, we might start that way next year, because it’s so much easier! It’s also much easier on your hands that way. (Picking them off individually actually hurts, and my hands are super sore tonight!)


Just look at this bountiful harvest of homegrown Florida citrus!!!





We loaded up a small basket to take to our neighbors, but Jeff wanted to roll the whole wagon over, just to show off our spoils 🙂


And Emmie got to love on their dog, Momo, who is super sweet and very energetic. We stayed and chatted with them for a while, and Emmie asked for an apple which she saw sitting on the table. She took a bite or two out of it, but didn’t like the peel. But Mr. Buddy was super nice and peeled & sliced it for her, and she ate the whole thing while we visited with them.


I was in no mood to cook after all the chores & errands we did today, and it was getting too late for that anyways, so we headed out to Taco Bell to grab some “Mexican” food for dinner. It took a while to get our food, and there were tons of FSU students in there (wow, some weird ones too), but the food was good and I didn’t have to cook 😉


When we got home, we immediately got Emerson ready for bed, and did our bedtime routine. We read the Berenstain bear book again, plus two of her Bible stories. We did all the prayers and hugs and kisses with Daddy, and then I did lullabies before laying her down.


After a super busy, exhausting, productive day, I’m so glad there’s no dishes to wash, and I can just get comfy and watch “The Mandalorian” with the hubby!

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A Look Back at Two Thousand Nineteen

I know literally everyone says stuff like this, and it’s so cliche, but for real, how did the year fly by so fast? I wrote a round-up post last year for 2018, and I loved that post (and y’all did too!). So I definitely wanted to do it again this year…

I blogged literally every single day for a year, the triplets were born, Emerson turned two and Ryan & Gabe turned 13, we celebrated six years of marriage, my parents& sister both bought new houses… Those are the big milestones, but of course there are so many other little day-to-day moments I’m so glad I wrote down, so we can keep up with the “ordinary” things like cute stuff Emerson says, or new recipes we tried, or hundreds of other tiny moments.

I wrote 369 blog posts, my page views doubled from over 20,000 in 2018 to over 40,000 in 2019, and my “users” also doubled from 2,800 in 2018 to over 4,400 in 2019. They came from 48 U.S. States (all but Alaska & South Dakota), and 51 countries (what!?), with most of them obviously coming from Florida. And most of you are still reading on your cell phones. (I am still shocked by these numbers!) …

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Stone Age Babies

So all last week, Emerson woke up wayyy too early, at like 6:30 pm, when we could have been sleeping in since we were off work for six days straight. Then yesterday, she slept until 8am, when I was up at 7:30 to shower for church, and today, she was still sleeping at 7am when we went in to wake her up from school. Clearly, toddlers have no concern for the sleeping patterns of their parents. Crossing my fingers she’ll let us sleep in tomorrow!

When we pulled into the parking lot, she yelled, “Schooooool!” Followed closely by, “I need a muffin!” She was in the best mood, and even after a full week away, she still ran to Ms. Sheila when we walked in the classroom, and we had a perfect drop-off.


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