Pastels & Trampolines

All these adorable baby girls were so happy and excited for their egg hunts and Easter parties at school today! And how cute were they, with their outfits all coordinated and precious, which Megan and I didn’t even plan! (Well, today was “pastel colors” day at school for the egg hunts, but the rest of the dress/jean jacket/tennis shoes outfit wasn’t planned. 🙂 )

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Children’s Museum & Porch Popsicle

Today was a long, busy, emotional, productive day, and I’m exhausted. It’s already 9:15 and usually I’m done blogging by this point, but I’m just now starting it, because of a later night than usual. I’ve got tons of photos, so it’ll be more of a photo dump and less writing, so I can head off to bed soon…

We got our early grocery pick-up, and Emmie helped me make some egg sandwiches for all of us for breakfast.

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Little Kid Nurse

Today was “dress like a community helper” day at school. Yesterday on the way home, I asked her what she anted to to be when she grew up, and after thinking for a few seconds, she said, “A little kid nurse.” We talked about that for a minute, and then she said, “And also a superhero!” We talked in the car for about 5-10 minutes, and I really wished I could have ben videoing or recording everything she was saying.

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The Force is Strong With This Child

You can only sorta see the sunrise behind her, but it was absolutely beautiful this morning! She was very excited to wear her cute Baby Yoda t-shirt, and we had a great, fast, easy drop-off today, followed by a good day at school for her. And come on, the force IS very strong with this child. Am I right?!

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Crock-Pot Pot Roast

We have another short & sweet post tonight, with minimal photos & stories, but it was still a nice little day. First thing this morning I got a pot roast in the crock-pot for our dinner tonight. I did the infamous “Mississippi Pot Roast” that everyone has been obsessed with this past year, and I’ve done a handful of times myself, and as usual, not only was it super quick & easy, it also turned out just as delicious as always! Funnily enough, my Aunt & Uncle made this yesterday, and my friend Amanda made it today too. It’s popular!

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Groceries, Chores, Wings & Manicures

Emmie got up around 7am today (I think), but Jeff was in the living room with her and let me sleep ’til almost 8am. Once I got up, I had an early morning grocery pick-up from Walmart, and this little silly goose wanted to help me with everything. I always take everything out of the bags on the counter, then put away the cold stuff, and then the pantry stuff. She was also super excited for the Baby Yoda Gogurt’s I got her!

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Scheduled C-Section

One day last week, when Emmie was wearing all of her dino clothes, I put on my leopard dress to wear to work. But she was like, “No! You can’t wear that without me!” So I changed my outfit that morning, and set our leopard dresses aside to wear together this week, and she loved it, of course. And she wanted me to do her hair again the same way as yesterday.

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Lucky Charm

When we left school yesterday, Emerson’s teacher said, “Remember to wear green tomorrow!” I was like, “HUH why!?” And then I remembered today was St. Patrick’s Day. Luckily (pun intended), we had this shirt in the back of her drawer that was a hand-me-down from the summer, just waiting to make it’s special debut today. Perfect, right!? Definitely our lucky charm, not just Daddy’s 🍀🍀🍀

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Holding Chicks & Ducks


We had a great morning at church today. A lady in our congregation shared her testimony about going through cancer this past year, and then her 10-year-old (ish) daughter sang a precious little hymn, and you know I was crying. So my Mama reached into her purse for what I thought was going to be a tissue or napkin, but then she handed me my Granddaddy’s old handkerchief that she’s been carrying around since he passed four years ago, and I just started sobbing even harder. But it was so sweet and I loved it. Emmie had a great morning with her friends and teachers, but wouldn’t just give me one sweet smile photo after church 🙂

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