Super Sleepy Monday

(Blog post for Monday, 5/9/2022.)

Addison’s teacher was on vacation last week & was still out Monday morning. She missed her teacher, and had some rough drop-off’s with some of the fill-in’s, like yesterday morning when she cried when we had to leave her. But of course Emerson makes sure to give her lots of loves before we leave the classroom.

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Addison’s 1st Fiesta!

These sweet girls were playing together so cute this morning, while I was making us some scrambled eggs for breakfast. We all ate together, then we ran around doing a bunch of quick errands – Walmart, Walgreens, coffee truck, Nana’s house, and maybe one more thing I forgot?

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Socks with Sandals

I took myself a sick day today, and since the girls never had a fever, they were safe to go back to school today. So Jeff took them to school this morning. Although drop-off was a little shaky for Emmie, she did okay, but Addie had a rough time for sure. So, no picture of Addie at school this morning, because the only pictures he got of her were screaming ones, and those are so sad!

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