Early To Bed
I was obsessed with Emerson’s butterfly romper today. Not only was it super soft (she also said it was so cozy), but it was just so stinking cute on her! And of course Addison was super cute in Emmie’s old stripey dress too 🙂
I was obsessed with Emerson’s butterfly romper today. Not only was it super soft (she also said it was so cozy), but it was just so stinking cute on her! And of course Addison was super cute in Emmie’s old stripey dress too 🙂
Well unfortunately, we ended up keeping Addison home again one more day today. So Jeff took care of her first thing, while I got Emmie ready, and did her school drop-off. (Also, she was doing some sort of flip or somersault at school, and got that carpet burn on her face a few days ago.)
My beautiful little sunshine & rainbows girl! Rocking her super cute lemon shoes (I was skeptical about these in the store, but they really are cute, and she’s found lots of outfits that they match really well).
Cute little girls, with Addie making some weird faces because she’s such a goofball.
OK so yesterday, I said it was just gonna be a photo dump, and then I wrote a lot. Today though, it’s really late already (9:45 as I start typing), and I still have a lot to do before tomorrow morning. So I really am not going to write a bunch…
Fan/tailgating day at GC this morning, so we got Emmie in her Seminoles dress, and Addie in some almost-garnet 😉
Buffalo Chicken for Breakfast Read More »
Today was one of those days filled to the brim with stuff and adventures and food, so we’re going to do one of those photo-dump posts, with minimal writing. So let’s get into it!
Shipley’s donuts & coffee from home for breakfast, followed by a little bit of playtime around the house.
Sisters Make the Best Buds Read More »
Gilchrist has a special theme this year, of “Reading is Groovy,” and today was the kick-off. So they were supposed to dress groovy today – luckily Emerson had a tie-dye shirt that was perfect for today. And Addison was just a cute little cowgirl, in an old hand-me-down dress that was a gift from Grammy & Papa from a trip they took to Texas like four years ago.
This little cuties were tired this morning, and both girls had to be woken up after a big, late night at church last night. But once we got them up & moving, they were okay, and ready for another day!
Belated Birthday Puzzle Read More »
Two little cuties, in their cutie little dresses and tennies. Also, why do Emmie’s legs look about five feet long?! She’s too big…
These girls look adorable every day, but there are some days that they just really blow me away, like today. Something about the smile on Addie’s face, and Emerson’s cute ponytail, and the way they look at each other. Oh, it just kills me!