Buffalo Chicken for Breakfast

OK so yesterday, I said it was just gonna be a photo dump, and then I wrote a lot. Today though, it’s really late already (9:45 as I start typing), and I still have a lot to do before tomorrow morning. So I really am not going to write a bunch…

Fan/tailgating day at GC this morning, so we got Emmie in her Seminoles dress, and Addie in some almost-garnet 😉

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Sisters Make the Best Buds

Today was one of those days filled to the brim with stuff and adventures and food, so we’re going to do one of those photo-dump posts, with minimal writing. So let’s get into it!

Shipley’s donuts & coffee from home for breakfast, followed by a little bit of playtime around the house.

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Reading is Groovy

Gilchrist has a special theme this year, of “Reading is Groovy,” and today was the kick-off. So they were supposed to dress groovy today – luckily Emerson had a tie-dye shirt that was perfect for today. And Addison was just a cute little cowgirl, in an old hand-me-down dress that was a gift from Grammy & Papa from a trip they took to Texas like four years ago.

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