
So we bought these cute, little glittery moccasins quite a while ago. They were the one & only pair at Ross, so even though they weren’t her size then, we went ahead and bought them because we loved them so much. Then we just had to wait until the day she finally grew into them, which ended up coming just in time for fall, which I think is the perfect season for moccasins. And of course, she loves shoes, and she loves these ones!


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Family Potato Bar

First photos of the day didn’t come until after church, when we all gathered at my parents’ house, for a big family lunch. Even Megan, Bo & the triplets made the journey out to the NE side of town, because today we had some special guests! My mom’s cousin Cheryl, and her husband David, were visiting in town. They were missionaries for many years in Senegal, Africa, and currently live in Kansas City, Kansas, and we haven’t seen them in a few years. So we had a great afternoon full of family time!

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Biscuits, Shopping, Dinner & a Movie

It’s our 6th anniversary today! I published a special post first thing this morning about our past anniversaries, so click here if you haven’t seen it yet. So since it’s our anniversary, we treated ourselves to a nice, super yummy breakfast this morning!

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Six Years of Celebrating our Anniversary

Today is mine & Jeff’s 6th wedding anniversary! And to commemorate the occasion, I thought I’d do a short little post dedicated to all of our past anniversary’s. So to get things started, here’s a brief “history” of our relationship…

Sometime in the very beginning of May 2011, I got strep throat really super bad and was out of work for a week. While bored at home, I signed up for a dating website. So we actually “met” on that dating site, just a week or so after I signed up. We talked online and through emails/phone/text for a few weeks, and then spontaneously had our first date/meeting at Zaxby’s for lunch one day, somewhere around the end of May. We dated over that summer, and officially became boyfriend/girlfriend on August 10th. We dated for 1.5-ish years, and got engaged on Valentine’s Day, 2013, and then married later that year, on October 5th, 2013!

Our first photo together – July 4th at St. George Island fireworks; followed by an engagement photo on February 14, 2013!

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Breakfast Burritos

Today was Spirit Day Friday, so Emerson wore her Growing Room t-shirt to school today. I wanted to put a purple hair clip in her hair, but I couldn’t find it. But she was determined to have a hair bow anyways (she gets very attached to your ideas & suggestions), so we picked out a different one, that was just as cute! She’s also wearing some new-to-her bubble shorts, and new kitty cat shoes! She had these in a smaller size, and we all loved them so much, we bought them again!


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Go Pink for Breast Cancer!

Today, all around Tallahassee, it’s “Go Pink for Breast Cancer” day! Businesses all over town hang pink flags or signs or ribbons, and some even hang pink bras, and everyone is encouraged to wear pink. So many people participate, and it’s pretty fun to see so much pink all over town! Growing Room always participates, and they also set up a little pink lemonade stand for the afternoon, to collect donations for the Joanna Frances Living Well Foundation. My Mama and my Aunt Suzanne are both breast cancer survivors (and have been cancer free for over five years now!), so it’s definitely a special day for our family!


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Pizza, Cupcakes & Laundry

Y’all know Emerson has a snack every morning at home, before we leave for school. Sometimes that’s just a few bites of a granola bar, or sometimes it’s a cookie. Today she had a small bag of Goldfish, and we took it to-go in the car. She wanted to take it into school with her as well, but then she quickly traded it for a muffin instead!


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Grammy’s Birthday Dinner

You guys! We slept in till 7:45 this morning! That’s the latest we’ve slept in quite a while. I was even able to get up and spend about 7 minutes mixing up the pumpkin muffins, and put them in the oven, before getting Emerson out of her crib. (She was awake, but just laying there resting quietly, so I left her there for a bit.) She then proceeded to wander around the house carrying quite an armload of things.

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