Hardworking Saturday

The first photo I took today, was at like 12:30 pm, at lunch time. We had some cereal for breakfast around 8am, and then worked hard on tons of chores for like 4 hours. We had a million loads of laundry to get through, and a sink full of dishes to wash, and we tidied up both of the girls’ rooms, and the living room. Then I fixed some random stuff for the girls to eat for lunch, and tired to do the same for Jeff and I after getting Addie down for her nap, but it didn’t work out, so he grabbed us Mexican pizzas from Taco Bell. But I didn’t like it, and I wasn’t feeling great, so I ate less than half of mine, and just one bite of a taco…

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Emerson’s First School Field Trip!

We had ourselves a VERY big day today, so let’s get into it! I took the day off work, then dropped off both girls at school (Emmie was so excited she ran away without a photo), and then had a rare solo-dining-out experience, by getting a quick breakfast sandwich & latte at Panera.

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Leftovers Potluck Lunch

Somehow this week, we’ve just had mostly “normal” days so far, without much happening out of the norm. I’ve also taken less photos, so we’ve got another short little post tonight…. Goofy girls this morning – it’s getting harder to take our daily photos each morning because it’s getting darker, and because they’re getting wigglier!

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