Sleepy Sunday

It was cool this morning, in the 50’s, and this long sleeve & pants Big Sister outfit was perfect for Emmie to wear to church this morning. She asked if Addison had a matching outfit, and when I told her no (since we bought this before we even knew if Baby was a boy or a girl), she suggested we go to the store and find her something to match, and that she would help me out.

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Banana Pudding

Since I can’t drive for a while post-C-Section, Jeff is doing all of the school drop-off’s and pick-up’s. For whatever reason, Emerson has always had tougher drop-off’s with daddy, being much more clingy to him. He’s not able to get photos easily (and she’s usually upset already by the time they get there), so I took them at home today before they left, and she was adorable!

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Sister Snuggles

Five days post-partum, and I’m feeling almost back to my normal self again. Last night, I posted a little update on Facebook,and realized I missed writing and blogging. So I’m gonna wade back in with a quick little entry for today. Not sure if I’ll get back to daily posts, but maybe so, we’ll see. I will for sure write up Addie’s birth story soon, once I feel like digging into that.

Emmie was super cute in her princess dress this morning, with her fun little hair-do she wanted.

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Chores & Date Night

Emmie actually did really well on her air mattress last night. She fell asleep around 9:45, woke up around 1pm but Jeff said she went right back to sleep, and then slept until about 6am. They stayed in the living room though, and let me sleep in until almost 8am, and I woke up actually feeling pretty good! I made us egg sandwiches for breakfast, and she asked to “sparkle” the cheese on them 🙂

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Cheddar Bay Biscuits

Much like her shirt implies (“the force is strong with this child”) she insisted on wearing this string of Mardi Gras beads to school this morning. And like Grammy said, some battles aren’t worth fighting, so I really didn’t even bother trying to fight this one with her, but just told her she couldn’t throw a fit if they got lost or broken!

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