The Triplets are Here!!!

My alarms went off super early today, but it wasn’t hard to get out of bed, because I was so excited for the big day! I was up & moving quickly, and checked in at the hospital at 5:45am! I got there before Bo & Meg were hardly even awake, and I beat everyone else! My parents, then Bo’s parents, and their pastor all gathered around their need to pray before being wheeled to the O.R. for the C-section. We were all starting to tear up a bit by this point.

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Growth Spurt

I have a feeling that my teeny tiny girl might be going through a bit of a growth spurt. For the past five or so days, she has woken up almost immediately saying “eat eat.” They have breakfast at school around 8, but when she wakes up at 7, already hungry, we have to give her a little snack at home to tide her over. Monday and Tuesday it was a few Pringles when she saw them on the counter, and today was about a quarter of a Pop-Tart. This girl just might be growing!

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