The Bee Sting

Back to our regularly scheduled programming today,and glad of it! But only for one day, because now we’re off for a 3-day weekend, and we’re actually taking the girls on a little mini getaway to Jacksonville tomorrow!

Last night’s leftover Thai coconut chicken curry was still super good for lunch today. And after eating, I painted my fingernails, and then started a new library book.

Oh, and I also made our 1 second every day video for August.


I was worried that work was going to be crazy busy and stressful after two random days off, but luckily it really wasn’t too bad. But I was still glad to pick up these little sweetie pies from school at the end of the day! We had some cuddles when we got home, and we let Jeff pick up a pizza for us, so I didn’t have to cook. Really, I just wanted to save time and not cook or clean, because we had lots of other stuff to do tonight…

This is the “Bee Sting,”with pickled jalapeno’s and honey, and it’s delicious. We also always get the ranch and sesame crust flavors, which is an incredible combo. I actually added more spicy honey on my slices, and dang it was so good.

After being at home for a couple of days without doing much cleaning, the living room was totally cluttered and messy. So we put a 10-minute timer on the Google hub, and got everything done super quickly with all four of us working together. Then I vacuumed, and Jeff put away the leftover pizza and threw out the empty box.

Bedtime for the girls followed a couple of “Bluey” episodes, as always, and both girls were so sleepy. Everything went really smooth and easy. Now, we have a list of things we need to pack for our little two-day road-trip. We actually packed up all the girls stuff in the Baby Yoda suitcase last night, but we’ve still got plenty of other stuff to take care of. Oh, and we need to clean out my car too. So it’s gonna be a busy night, and an early morning, and then two days of fun, then I’ll report back here Sunday night. Pray for our safe travels, and a fun weekend!

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