Sunday Sun Tea

I was back on the worship team today, so I laid out dresses for the girls last night, and Jeff let them pick out all the finishing accessories before church this morning.

They came into the sanctuary when they got there to give me loves and hugs, and we took another quick picture together.

We had a worship team lunch and meeting after church today, with Firehouse subs and Addie decided she likes pickles now.

We had a few minutes of scooter time after lunch and meeting, while waiting on some of friends to swing by. I posted a dresser for sale on Facebook marketplace yesterday, and although I got 30+ inquiries (which was actually insane), one of my church friends wanted it, so that worked out so much better and easier.

We got the girls down for a nap after they ran by, and then I set out a couple of jars to make some earl gray sun tea since it was so warm and sunny this afternoon. It was 3pm by this point, so I sat down to read for a little while, until I was so tired I couldn’t hold my eyes open anymore. And then when I woke up at 5pm, the sun tea was golden and beautiful.

We went back to church tonight for the first night of this semester’s Connect Groups. We’re continuing our study on 1st Corinthians, and the girls just get to hang out with their little friends. This is Addie and her little bestie, who were walking around together holding hands and being so sweet.

For bedtime, we read a few books in Addie’s bed just me and her, while Emmie did her teeth/hair/earrings routine in the bathroom. Then she joined us and we read one more book all together.

Jeff had gone back over to help his dad continue trouble-shooting the radio install in his truck, so he didn’t get home until late, after I was already getting the girls to sleep. But when he got home, they both woke up enough to get hugs from Daddy and then we officially got them back to sleep once and for all. Now I need some hot buttered popcorn for a nighttime snack, and some tv-watching time.

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