Pajama Day + Pizza Night

So last night when Emerson got out of the bath, I set out two pairs of jammies for her to choose from, and told her whatever she chose last night, she would also wear to school today for pajama day. So this morning, she got to roll out of bed and just wear her jammies to school!




And it looks like she had a good day – especially since her twin besties (the blonde boys in the Polo’s), were there today!




This girl is just too cool for school though! 🙂


So late last night, one of my favorite Instagrammer’s/bloggers, Janssen at Everyday Reading, shared a blog post about introducing audio books to young kids, so I emailed the link to myself to read today. Then while scrolling looking for new audio books for myself, I ran across this Peter Rabbit collection, which reminded me to read her blog, and this one was actually one of her suggestions!

She said her kids have been around 2.5 years old when they showed interest in listening to audio books, which is perfect, since Emerson is actually closer to 3 now anyways. So I checked out the digital audio book, and started listening to it with Emerson after school today. I’m excited to see how she likes it, and if it’ll hold her interest in the car!


I made homemade pizza for dinner, and threw together a Caesar salad from a bagged kit. I also made Emmie a tiny cheese pizza on a pita, which was actually super bland, but she loved it!





She ate her dinner really well, and so we rewarded her with a lollipop her teacher Miss Jessica gave her, as a potty-training-treat.



We needed more outside time, so we went and ran around the front yard for about 30 minutes, and it was beautiful and perfect weather, and just so nice! My girl was just being super adorable and precious and I loved our time together.





I told her she could just wear her same pink jammies to bed, but she was like, “They’re sticky, Mommy! From the syrup!” They had pancakes for lunch today, so clearly we had to change out of the sticky jammies.


She grabbed this blanket, and put it on her shoulders, then wrapped it around herself and said, “I’m a docta!” Then she said, “I have three doctas – one is Docta Shawn, and Docta Abby. And who is da utta one?” So I told her the third one was her heart doctor, Dr. Vining, and she was just like, “oh yeah.”



We read “Snow White” before bedtime for the first time, and she liked the story. Although, reading it for the first time as an adult, it’s a little weird than a random prince literally came out of nowhere and just kissed her while she was asleep… Right? Anyways, Jeff and I both did a few chores around the house, and now that that’s done, we’re gonna just chill out on the couch.

Jeff has suggested we watch the all of the Marvel movies in chronological order, that lead up to the point in time when Black Widow will take place (which comes out in November). So I guess we’ll be watching about 15 Marvel movies over the next 6 months, about 1 every other week. So tonight, we’re starting in with the first Captain America movie!

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