Messy Bun

This cute little priss, insisted she take her sunglasses to school with her today. Then she was jumping around and being so silly, I could barely get a good photo of her!




But it looks like she had a good day at school. And I love the tiny bun in her hair! So cute!





Nana picked her up early again today, around 3pm, and took her back to her house to play with her cousins, because we planned to have Jeff’s family birthday dinner tonight at their house, since today was his birthday!

And this messy bun is like, my favorite hair style for her!!! When I first got their and told her I liked it, she said, “It’s like your hair, Mommy!” And she’s right, it is kind of like my tiny messy bun!



While Jeff was grilling and Nana was doing other things to get ready for dinner, I took all three girls on a walk down the street, and we played on the playground at their church for just a few minutes. (Jeff’s parents live like .25 miles from their church.)


And then it was time to eat! Jeff actually grilled his own birthday dinner, but he did a great job and everything was delicious. And we also had cupcakes and ice cream.





Nana and Andie picked out matching shoes for these two at Walmart yesterday (they didn’t come in Libby’s size), and they look adorable on both of them!


Emerson got a little paper cut at school today, and was just devastated about it. We put on a fresh bandaid and ointment before bedtime, which she really liked. It had Ariel, Flounder & Sebastian on it, and she was very confused about “where da crab go?” because it got covered up when we wrapped it around her finger.



I read her this little “opposites” book, and then she read it to me once too, and did a very good job, might I say!



She’s actually been SUPER fussy and whiny allllll night (ever since I got to their house earlier), and she’s cried about 30 (million) times since then. She’s just very emotional tonight for some reason, and it’s taken it’s toll on both Jeff and I tonight, and we’re completely exhausted now too! She’s having a tough time settling down in her room, so I’m hoping and praying she’ll calm down and fall asleep soon.

We weren’t able to do much “special” for Jeff’s birthday (and all of the presents I ordered him from Prime will of course not arrive until longĀ after his birthday), but we’ve got a fun at-home birthday activity planned for Saturday, that both of us are excited for!


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