Creamy Cheesey Crock-Pot Chicken

Emerson did not have such a great night sleeping last night. She went down at her normal time around 7:30/8:00 p.m., but woke up whining and crying at 12:45 a.m. Jeff went into check on her and he picked her up to hold her and rock her, but then she didn’t want to be laid back down. Long story short, he ended up sitting / sleeping with her in the living room recliner from about 1:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m., When she woke up early. Then he came to bed, and I got up with her at 5:45. We snuggled on the couch for a while and watched Moana quietly, but by 6:30 or so, she was wide awake and rairing to go for the day. So we went ahead and decided to cook some breakfast before church.

And this sweet baby girl has been loving to “help” in the kitchen a lot these days. So cute! I made a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage patties, with some more leftover naan. (Apparently we’ll be eating that from now until kingdom come.)

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Indian Butter Chicken

First thing after getting dressed this morning, I got started on dinner, by cutting up some chicken breasts, and making a marinade for Indian Butter Chicken. (My favorite cutting board is nearing retirement.) Jeff woke up Emmie and got her dressed for school, and when she came in the kitchen saw my SlimFast on the counter, she kept hollering “drink, drink, drink!”

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Better Bath Time

So some days, I have pictures of things other than Emerson. However, today is not that day. Literally every photo is of her today!

So I actually woke up super early this morning after a terrible, crazy nightmare, and had a hard time going back to sleep. But then when I did finally go back to sleep, I accidentally slept through my alarms, and woke up about 45 minutes too late. So we got to school just in time for breakfast! Emmie went right to her chair, and sat down at her plate to start eating.MVIMG_20190523_080200

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Where’s Waldo

Today we dropped off directly in her new classroom, with her new teacher and her new friends, and it went perfectly! She immediately started playing with all the toys, and just gibber gabbering away saying all the things. She was wearing a fancy, borrowed Ralph Lauren dress, and even as adorable as it is (I loved this dress!), she still reminded me of a tiny Where’s Waldo girl.


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Hippie Sunshine

This morning, I asked Emerson if she wanted some of my banana bread for her breakfast. She excitedly said YES! but then she was confused about the bread I put in front of her instead of a banana. So I had to explain to her the bananas were IN the bread, and that it tasted like bananas. And then once she tried it, she realized she liked it!MVIMG_20190519_072732

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Tidying Up & Catching Up

Alright, so I was having some technical difficulties again yesterday, so I wasn’t able to blog about our Saturday. Jeff did some work on it after church today, and so now while Emerson naps, I’ll do a catch-up post about yesterday, and then later tonight I’ll write a second post about today.

Emmie was doing grocery shopping while I was in the kitchen cooking us breakfast.MVIMG_20190518_073023

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