Back in Action

We’re alive over here! For the past five days, I took a blogging break while Jeff and I were feeling under the weather. It’s the longest break I’ve taken in a year, and it was actually kinda nice, but I was itching to get back to it. I do have some pictures to share from the loooong weekend, but I’m gonna kinda just dump them for each day, and leave it at that… maybe. But probably minimal writing…


Red, white & blue day at school; and I went to an Indian restaurant buffet with work friends for lunch.

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Kolache, Costco & Cookies

Since the girls were with Nana at their sleepover from last night, Jeff and I were able to take it slow & easy this morning, which was such a nice change. We didn’t even get dressed or head out for errands until after 10am, and we stopped to try Shipley’s donuts for the first time. The owner was there and came out and met us, and gave us both a free glazed donut while we looked at everything and make our decisions, and it was actually the best glazed donut I’ve ever had. Then I chose this sausage, cheese & jalapeno kolache, which was sooooo delicious. It’s kinda like a big pig-in-a-blanket deal, which is one of my favorite snacks, so this was perfect and right up my alley. I want another one again already!

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