Double Rainbow

Jeff woke up with a migraine this morning. And it was my turn on praise team, so I had to be at church early. So I dropped off Emerson with Grammy & Pepaw, to have breakfast at the Bagel Bistro, so I could get to rehearsal on time. (Nursery starts at 9am, and I had to be there at 8:45am.) But of course neither Emmie nor her grandparents minded this last minute arrangement.

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Melting Ice Cream

Super cute new romper! Funny story – Daddy accidentally put it on backwards first, so when she came marching into my bedroom to show me while I was getting dressed, the v-neck in the front was superrrrr low, so Mommy had to turn it around 😆 But then she looked adorable! (In this first photo, I was asking her to point out a bird, so she would stop clinging on to me so much, so I could out her down, haha)

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Lunch with Sister on her First Day of Work!

For the summer, Emmie’s new & old classrooms will start together until 8am, so we do drop-off in Q’s room. Emerson was clingy this morning and wouldn’t let me put her down to play, so Q took her from me, and gave her some tiny Pop-Tart bites, and then Emmie just started waving & telling me bye!

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Air Mattress

I got super lucky these last few days – the triplets slept (mostly) through the night, from roughly 10:30pm – 5:30am, with only some minor fussing and crying here and there, but we were able to put their paci’s back in, calm them down, and get them back to sleep. So relatively speaking, in terms of newborn sleep, I got lucky! And starting my day snuggling and feeding these nuggets is just so sweet!

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Triplet Duty, Day 2

After a night spent tossing & turning, and sleeping with one ear open listening for babies to cry (had to get up a couple of times to put a paci back in, and jiggle them back to sleep), the day started early with bottles all around! I fed Ellie Grace, while Meg fed Riley & Kensley, and then I got ready for work.

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Dermatology Visit & Procedure

A super cute new outfit, and a silly girl trying to ride a school bus around her classroom! I actually got this outfit on Target super clearance a long time ago, and it finally fits. Well, it’s still a little bit too big for her, but we went ahead and let her wear it today anyways, and it was still adorable!

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