Prettiest Pumpkin in the Patch

I started out the day by making a double batch of “stick of butter rice” to take for our church Thanksgiving lunch. It’s the most simple thing, and I’ve made this for the last three years in a row, but it’s sooo good! (And I put the Christmas box on the counter, where it was sure to be remembered.) Here’s the post from this event last year, if you’re interesting in checking that out.

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$4 Coat & 100 Books

You guys! All of a sudden, Florida just decided to begin winter overnight! Since it was a mere 34° when I dropped off Emerson at school at 7:30 a.m., she got to wear not only a new outfit (from Old Navy) but also the new-to-her coat we got for the low low price of $4 at the One Week Boutique last month! It’s super soft and cozy, and she loved it. And of course she looks adorable in it! Glad we were thinking ahead and bought a new one, knowing we would need it eventually, so we were prepared this morning.


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Plan Your Taquitos

So apparently, when I set out her clothes for the week, I had paired this pink, red & black shirt with pants that were actually navy. So when Jeff was getting her dressed for school this morning, he grabbed the first pair of black pants he could find, but it appears they are just a teensy bit too short for her! But she’s still cute, either way. And she was just being weird & silly, waving her hands around and doing all sorts of funny little moves.


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Bath Robes & Pink Toes

First of all, thank you to all the amazing men and women who have bravely served our country. I could never do it myself, but I am incredibly grateful for those who have. And thank you for an extra holiday to celebrate!

This sweet girl and I got to sleep in until about 8am. (Pretzel to be at the vet for a check-up 7:30, but Jeff was nice enough to take him and let me sleep.) It was chilly when we woke up, so we both put on our super was & cozy bath robes, and watched cartoons together all snuggled up on the couch. (This isn’t flattering of me, but who cares, the memory is what counts.)

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Afternoon Sunbeams

Baby girl did good this morning, and slept in a little bit later. We did get up in time though to get the casserole in the oven early enough, since it had to sit on the counter for 30 minutes, and then bake for an hour. Emmie really filled her diaper up overnight, and it had leaked onto her jammies, so after putting on a dry diaper, she just wanted to hang out “naked” on the couch, which is actually pretty out of the norm for her. But she ate some mini muffins while we watched a show, and gave Mommy sweet snuggles.


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Fresh Rosemary

We didn’t get our sheets & quilt washed & dried in time for bed last night, so we threw on one spare fitted sheet with my large queen-size fleece blanket, and it was actually super cozy. But Emerson woke up two time in the middle of the night – once at 2:15, and again at 3:30. Both times she was kind of half-crying out for me, so I went in there and rocked her while listening to one lullaby song, and got her back to sleep. Then she slept till 8am, so that helped make up for it a bit. Then Emmie wanted to snuggle up with Daddy for a few minutes when she woke up.

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Skipping Bath Time

Emerson first started waking up this morning around 5:30am. She was kind of groaning and calling for Mommy, but I was still mostly asleep myself, so I left her there and luckily she fell back asleep for a while (as did I). Then after Jeff got her up for real around 7, he got her dressed and put her on the couch with her shoes while he went to do something else. So when I came into the living room and saw her sitting there, just putting on her own shoes like a big girl, she looked like she was about 10 years old!


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Ginger Peach Tea

So I accidentally overslept this morning, due to a really bad sinus headache. I woke up feeling gross & groggy, but I slogged my way through getting ready, and we made it to school only 30 minutes late. This girl helped perk me up though, because she’s just the sweetest little thing in the mornings! (Well, all the time, but she always wakes up so happy.)


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Candy Snack

When Jeff got Emmie out of bed this morning, and started to change her diaper and her clothes, she didn’t want to take off her puppy jammies. So I had to go make a big deal out of picking out a pretty dress for her (different from the clothes I had already laid out), and getting excited about, so she would get excited about it. And then I picked my matching dress to wear today, and she finally let Daddy change her clothes. This girl!


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Early Birds

Well, Tater Tot may not have woken up early yesterday because of the time change, but she made up for it today! We were up at 6am, cuddled up together watching Moana on the couch. I typically get up on a work-day around 6:15 (or 6:30 if I’m feeling extra sleepy), and we don’t wake up Emmie until 7am. So we had lots of extra time together this morning, but at least she was super sweet!


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Baby Unicorn

WOW! Today has been a day. Most of our weekdays consist of the same routine – school for Emmie, work for Mommy & Daddy, and then back home for dinner/bath/bed/etc… But today, was fully of SO MUCH stuff. We had seven “additional things” on the docket today, so let’s jump in! (I also feel so cheesy saying stuff like that, but then somehow I also can’t stop myself, sooo…)

We did a few pictures at home first, since we didn’t go straight to school. She didn’t dress up for Halloween for the entire day, but I did pick an outfit that she could wear under her costume, so we could slip it on & off with no issues. These cute unicorn & dino pants have been in her drawer for a while, as has this shirt. My boss Tammy actually got her this shirt from Powell’s Books, which is like a really awesome, giant, kinda famous book shop out in Portland. (Actually, I just looked it up, and it says it’s the largest independent bookstore in the world, which is super impressive!)


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Grandmommie Daycare

This morning was rainy and cloudy and gross, and I just wanted to cuddle up in the house and spend all day watching tv and napping and reading. But I made myself be a grown-up, and got out of bed and ready for work. When I left at 7:30 am, Emerson wasn’t even awake yet. Grandmommie came over at 7:15 to spend the day taking care of her, so I knew she’d be in good hands once she woke up.


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