Strawberry Girls

So long story short, it took forever to upload all my photos to my website tonight, and it’s getting late, and I’m tired of sitting at the computer, so I’m gonna wrap this up quickly…

Baby chickpea slept so good last night, from about 8am – 6:30am, when we finally unwrapped her and woke her up, just to ensure we’d have time to feed her before having to leave for school.

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Milk Drunk

Today was pretty much just another regular Monday… We started off the day with a chaotic morning drop-off with the triplets. (Emmie and Addie were great, as was Ellie, but Kensley & Riley got pretty upset.)

But actually, our morning started off before that, but not as early as usual, because Addison slept like an actual baby last night! She ate at Grammy’s house around 5:30pm yesterday, went to sleep at our house around 8pm, and then slept through the entire night until my 6am alarm woke us all up! I was shocked!! So she slept for 10 hours, and went 13 hours between bottles, and I was just flabbergasted, and so thankful for such a great nights’ sleep, for all of us!

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