Silly Socks

Meggie and the triplets beat us to school today, so Emerson and Addison and I stopped by their classroom before our own drop-off. And everyone was so sweet and happy! The triplets kept telling their friends and their teacher, “This is our cousin. This is our cousin!”

Emmie was already dressed for ballet in her cute little leotard, but wearing silly socks, for silly sock day.

And Addison got to sit straight down at the breakfast table, to eat pears, biscuit & even sausage!

Addie did cute little footprint art today at school, and looks like Emmie worked on something about feet too. My guess is something “one foot, two foot, red foot, blue food” related, since it’s Dr. Suess week. Addie also got herself totally messy, enjoying some cheese tortellini!

Then when I got to school after work, Aunt Meggie and the triplets were on their way out, but saw my car pulling in, so they waited on us and we all went to pick up Addison together. She was finishing up her bottle though, so we all waited outside in the hallway so we would disturb her.

Look closely at this next picture, and you can see the teacher holding and feeding Addison through the window.

It was just all so exciting seeing each other again at the end of the day!

We had a super chill, laid back evening tonight. We just ate leftovers, each of us chose what we wanted, took turns eating, and just took it very easy. We read a little, and watched a little tv, and then Jeff took Addie on a car ride to pick up some prescriptions from the CVS across town.

She was just sitting there watching tv, holding onto my ear… Can you tell how tired that baby girl was?!

Something I keep forgetting to write down, is a cute little vocab mistake Emmie makes. She uses the word “unless” when she really means to say “except,” and it’s funny and cute. Like the other day, she said, “No one’s perfect unless God.” Then tonight while reading this page, she said, “Everything is pink unless the otters.”

And I forgot I wrote this down the other day, but she was just going crazy in the car the other day on the way to school, and I was quietly repeating everything into my phone, sending voice-text to remember it all. Here’s what she said, “I wish there was a jellyfish that was as big as our house, but didn’t have stingers so it could reach all the way to your room and all the way to my room. And I wish there was an octopus to play with us.” She sure does have a good imagination!

I’m feeling very tired tonight, so pretty much as soon as I finish this post, and then finish the last few minutes of my Survivor episode 😉

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