Two little cuties, in all the shades of pink today.
We did a cute little claw clip in Emmie’s hair today, and I even curled the little tail end all nice and pretty. She told me how much she loved it, and told me it looked like her friend Daisy’s hair, which I took as a huge compliment, since her mama (my friend Sarah Beth) is a hair stylist!
My girl in the Frother’s Daughter coffee truck wasn’t at my office today, but she was parked at FBC downtown, which is only like two blocks from my office. And somehow, I was very early leaving home & getting Addie dropped off, so I made the tiny detour to pick up an Oatmeal Cream Pie Latte. I’m working my way through all the August specials, and this was just as good as all the other’s I’ve tried. I’m also trying to fill out my summer punch card, and today I earned this free sticker, which I put up on the bulletin board in my office.
Cute little Daddy-Daughter photos in the morning school drop-off line.
I love her scrunchy nose, and the tiny freckles, and the gap from her recently-lost tooth.
Yesterday, Emmie’s new 2nd grade teacher sent out a few photos in the Remind app, but for some reason, my app wasn’t working and I couldn’t ever see the pics. But today, I just finally uninstalled the app, re-clicked the links, and it opened the photos in a browser instead and that finally worked. And look at this cutie! She also got one of her on the playground, and a whole class photo! So fun!
And a little picture of Addie making a sunshine in arts & crafts.
One of my work friends brought me two of these giant cans of cold foam creamer to try out, so I made myself an afternoon coffee treat around 3:30, when I needed a little brain-break from a complicated case I had been working on. Anyways, this was really fun and cutesy and also very good.
If you’re on TikTok or Instagram, you probably saw the chocolate muffins in the Olympic village going viral over the last few weeks. One of my favorite TT/IG girlies figured out a recipe to make them at home, and even though I’m not much of a baker, I’m stilly reallyyyy considering trying my hand at it.
I picked up both girls from school as usual, and then we met up with Jeff at Taco Bell for a quick dinner before church.
The girls were a little wound up after dinner, so it was after 9pm by the time we got them both to sleep.
Then I was having some issues with my website, and wasn’t working for a bit, so it took me a long time to get this written tonight, so it’s already 10pm. And even after drinking a morning latte and an afternoon coffee, I’m still exhausted and ready for sleep…