Mrs. Backwards Baseball Cap

This baby girl is always happy, but today we were especially happy because it’s Friday!

A few of her little friends from her old classroom were promoted into her new classroom this year, and they started today. This little girl and Emmie were besties in their last two rooms, so this photo was sent in our parent portal, with the caption, “Two old friends reuniting!”

The next four photos were also sent in our parent portal app. The first one said this silly girl was taking a ride on her duck!

I picked up Emerson after work and we headed home to meet Jeff and the boys. Jeff had the day off, so him and the boys got to spend some time together. I made sloppy joes for dinner, and everyone enjoyed them. Ryan actually ate three sandwiches! And his daddy only ate too! Clearly we have a growing preteen boy on our hands here…

After dinner, we all hung out in the living room together, just playing with Emerson and having a good time. We let her stay up past her bedtime, till 8 PM, because she was being so sweet and cute, and we figured we’d just go crazy on this Friday night! She went and found one of the boys hats, and put it on backwards like this all by herself! I told her she was Mrs. backwards Baseball Cap! (A few of you may know this, but it’s a reference from Gilmore Girls…)

And when she was working at her food truck with her backwards baseball cap, I just felt like she fit the part so perfectly! She is such a mess sometimes, and I can’t stand the cuteness!

Emerson gave both brothers night-night and goodbye hugs, since she will probably not wake up before the boys and Jeff leave early tomorrow morning. She drank her hot milk before bedtime, and then cuddled up with me to say her prayers. Afterwards, when I was rocking her for a few seconds, she picked her head up off my shoulder and then gave me a big open-mouth, sloppy kiss right on my lips, and I just about melted with the sweetness. She went through a little phase about a month or so ago, when she was giving kisses like that, but it only lasted a few days and then she stopped doing it. So I’m glad she randomly decided to give me such a sweet kiss tonight. Makes my Mommy-heart so full.

I have already washed most of the dishes from dinner (although I left the forks and Emerson’s sippy cups for tomorrow), and we have a load of the boys clothes in the washing machine right now. We’re going to play some more games together tonight, since we had so much fun doing it last night. We ended up playing for about 2 hours last night and had lots of fun. However, we have to avoid playing a certain few games, because some of us got a little too competitive and a little as the boys would say, “salty.” But I know we’ll have a good time!

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