I have loved watching Emerson turn into the best, most loving big sister this last week. She wanted to hold Baby Addie for a minute before running out the door for school, and was so sweet about it.
She takes a “stuffy” in the car with her everywhere we go, and yesterday it was her volcano full of tiny stuffed dinosaurs.
And then Baby Addison and I had another great day together!she really just sleeps most of the day, when she’s not eating, and I alternate between naps, pumping, watching movies, reading, and just staring at her for long periods of time 😍
Tater Tot had a good day at school, and got to spend some time with one of her old teachers, Miss Jessica. Miss Brooke also did her hair with three pigtails, and it was so stinking cute! (There’s one in the back you can’t quite see in the photos.)
Nana told Emerson earlier this week that if she was good for us at bedtime, she would get her a surprise. So she came by for a quick visit last night to being Emmie a fancy dress she got her, and a cute little pants/onesie/jammies set for Addie too. Emerson had taken it upon herself to do a little bit of dreas-up play for “ballet class teacher,” so that’s what her crazy outfit is all about 😉
She wanted to read a book on Mommy’s Kindle, so she just sat here clicking through a little kids hedgehog book, and she seemed like such a big girl.
We ate dinner together and then her and I both put on our nightgowns and robes, and played a little bit more before bedtime.
She actually had a really rough bedtime, and it took Jeff and I a combined 45 minutes and 4-5 return trips to her bedroom, before she finally gave in and calmed down to sleep.
After all of that, it was almost 9pm, and I still had to feed Addie and pump, and Jeff was doing some of his IT side-work, so I was too exhausted to blog at 10pm by the time I finished everything. So instead, I just went to sleep (for a few hours until the next feeding time), and wrote this post for Thursday, on Friday morning after eating breakfast & waiting on Addie to wake up for her next bottle…