White Window

OK despite this first photo, where she was concerned about the car alarm we heard going off in the distance, my Emmie-cille was in a great mood this morning, and excited about her new dress!




She was also very excited to help carry in the triplets’ sheets and blankets this morning. Even though I told her she only had to wear her own backpack & that I would carry the other bags, she insisted that she carry all of it herself! (The girls had slight fevers last week, most likely from teething, so we took the nap stuff home from school for them on Friday for them to wash & bring back today.)


But the girls were happy and healthy and back to normal today, and looking adorable in their little dresses & tennis shoes!


For breakfast today, I had some of our homemade cold brew coffee, using Lucky Goat coffee, and a delicious everything bagel, with extra EBTB seasoning. And both were sooo good. I ended up having two glasses of coffee, and was craving a second bagel, but restrained myself 😉


After we ate leftover beef strogonoff for our lunch, Jeff painted the first coat of Canyon Wind white paint (same as cabinets) on the window frame, and it’s looking soooo much better now! We’re getting really super close to finally finishing this kitchen project, and I’m super excited about that.


Emmie had a fun day at school, even though she only took a short, 40-ish-minute nap. (Which was evident at home this evening, because my poor girl was very tired and sensitive.)




After picking her up and heading back home, Daddy and Emmie played in her room while I cooked up our frittatta and homemade bread! She’s very into piling up all of her animals (and sometimes blankets & towels) and cuddling up in the pile, so that’s what she was doing tonight.









Oooooh and this turned out soooo good. The bread was perfect, and the frittatta was amazing as usual. I’m getting really good at making this meal 😉 I always put the same stuff in it though, so maybe I should branch out and try some new fillings! (When Emerson was looking through my photos at bedtime {which we do almost every night}, she said, “I see your widdle toesies!”)





Emerson ate SO GOOD tonight – she had two helpings of watermelon, and two helpings of frittatta, and half of her piece of bread. Last time I made this, she liked it, but made me pick out the “red & green stuff” (spinach & red bell peppers), but towards the end of the meal she finally tried it and realized it was fine. So tonight, I just told her, “You LIKE everything in this, so you can just eat all the stuff!” And she was like, “Oh I do? OK!” And then she ate the whole stinking thing, plus more!




She was really sweet doing her little “itsy bitsy spider” song at bedtime, and we did prayers and lullabies and loves. But the she didn’t want me to leave the room, and she wasn’t tired, and she just didn’t want to go to sleep. She was crying and upset so it took a little while to get her settled back down, but we worked it out and she was fine eventually.


I had lots of dishes to wash and a messy kitchen to clean, so I got things mostly taken care of, with a few more things that I’ll deal with tomorrow.


But look how nice and bright the white window frame is! Waiting a full 24-hours for it to dry before I add some things back on the window sill, and then we’ll get my little copper fruit basket hung up again too. Loving it!

But now it’s late and I’m tired and just want to rest, so it’s time to chill out on the couch and watch some Netflix.

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