Uni-Kitty Headband

This pretty little Priss had a good morning at church today, and I just love this picture her teacher sent me. She’s so adorable!

And the bigger Priss also had a great morning at church today. In the car after church, unprompted, she started telling me this story, and at a red light I immediately texted it to myself… “The young man went down to the stream and he picked up five rocks and put one in his sling shot and threw it at Goliath and it went round and round and round and it knocked Goliath over.” Dang! Girlfriend knew that story today!

Lunch with the family at Newk’s, and Addie slept through most of it. (Something about Sunday lunch with the family just makes me forget to take pictures like usual…?)

This absolutely adorable little outfit was a baby shower gift from my sweet friend Ashlee. She got it from one of her friends who has a little Etsy shop with handmade kids’ clothes, and this is the prettiest little outfit! It has matching bloomers too, you just can’t see them.

We all took a nap this afternoon, and then once, we all woke up, we went over to Nana & PopPop’s house for dinner. But first, coffee, that I accidentally put a skoach too much creamer in, but was still yummy.

Emmie always loves helping me in the kitchen at home, and just as much at Nana’s house. Tonight, she made the salad and was so proud of herself!

Nana got two of those meals from Costco and we had a little bit of all of them – meatloaf & mashed potatoes and dill salmon  & brown rice – and both meals were delicious. She sent us home with some of the leftovers for lunch this week too, so I’m looking forward to that again.

I didn’t actually say it on here (for safety reasons so I wasn’t telling “the whole world” I was home alone for two days) but Jeff was out of town this past weekend helping his brother install the internet cable in their new house they’re building. He actually made it back into town right at lunch time, so he was home with us all afternoon. But we missed him and were so glad he was back!

Dipping her mint Oreo’s in her vanilla ice cream, like it was chips & dip 🙂

Addie had her first tiny taste of mashed potatoes tonight, and girlfriend was actually very into it.


These sweet little sunshine jammies were Emmie’s, gifted to her from Aunt Meggie and Uncle Bo back in the day. I just happened to pull them out of a tub of hand-me-downs today, and although they’re actually still a tad bit too big for her, they were so soft and she was just so sweet and squishy in them! And look at this girl trying so hard to sit up on her own!

She brought a TON of stuff with her today, and she was just cracking me up in her nightgown (that’s getting WAY too small but she won’t let me “retire” it) and the new fall/winter boots Nana got her, and that crazy uni-kitty headband. Any of these things alone would be too much, but she’s got like 5 things going on, and it’s just so silly.

Snack time and a book at home before bed, while Daddy cuddled baby sis.

Then we switched and Daddy loved on Emmie while I fed Addie (who’s getting better and better at holding her own bottle), and then he took her to hold her up for a few more minutes, before she was ready to lay down.

I think he’s actually still holding her now though, because he just wasn’t ready to give her up yet. I’ve got to go wash all the bottles, and set up the coffee pot for the morning, and I’m going to make up a couple of tubs of overnight oats, because I’ve been craving that lately, even though I haven’t made it like, years…


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