On the way to church this morning, Emmie took care of her barnyard animals while eating her Pop-Tart for breakfast.
When I went back to the nursery to pick her up after church, they told me she had been eating pretty much the whole time! They started snack with everyone, and then she just never stopped snacking! This girl and her snacks lately. Grandmommie had come with me to get some baby lives, and Emmie was so excited to see her. So they walked out to the parking lot together holding hands. So sweet.
And speaking of Grandmommie and Emerson, look at them from this day in 2018. So little & cute!
We grabbed lunch, and then ate at home before nap time. After I out Emmie down, I laid down on the couch to rest myself, and Jeff says I fell asleep for about an hour. Then we all got up and got ready to go visit the hospital. Emmie took her little puppy with us…
And took it for a walk across the waiting room floor. (Which was pretty disgusting actually.)
But they made her another super cute little visitor sticker! It says “world’s most awesome!!!”
And when Uncle Bo came out to meet us, she went running across the entire room to go see him! It was so adorable!
Jeff went back into the NICU first, since he hadn’t even seen the girls yet. He got to spend a while just staring into their adorable little faces, while Emmie and I played in the waiting room until it was my turn. And she had some Pringles.
And then it was my turn to go back and stare into their beautiful little faces! Kensley was taken off of her oxygen today, so now Riley is the only one still on it. The girls are also being fed milk every few hours, and they’re eating so well already! (In order below: Ellie, Riley, Kensley.)
I didn’t get to hold them today, but that’s because the Grandparents got to hold them all this morning! They need kits of rest after being held (because of all the overstimulation) so I’ll have to wait my turn a but longer… But look at this happy Grammy & Pepaw!
After we saw the girls down in the NICU, we went upstairs to see Meg in her room. Emmie and Meggie hadn’t seen each other in a while week, so they were glad to see each other now.
And Emmie wanted to push Daddy around in the wheelchair. She loves to help these days.
She was putting both of her feet into one shoe…
And at Publix, she needed another snack. And what’s better than a free Publix sugar cookie?!
And then she needed some of the Pringles as we were checking out. I told y’all, this girl never stops snacking!
We had grabbed a rotisserie chicken from Publix, so I whipped up some instant mashed potatoes & a can of corn, and it was the easiest supper.
Tater Tot specifically requested bubbles in her bath tonight, and Daddy can’t say no to anything she wants, so bubbles she got!
Emmie’s hair is getting so long lately, and it instantly curls up after being brushed. I’m loving it!
I washed all the dishes while Jeff put her to sleep tonight, and now the kitchen is nice and clean. I still need to fold a load of baby clothes we washed earlier. Then I’m going to update my cute letter board, since it’s had my tea party quote for a month now. Gonna watch “This Is Us” while I work, since I’m a few episodes behind still.