Redneck Chicken Parm

We met up with Grammy at daycare this morning, to drop off Addison at school. And Emerson is ready for another fun-filled adventure week, at VBS at Grammy’s church!

Addie just wasn’t in the mood for photos this morning, so I tricked her by talking about the decorations by her room, and just snuck a few pics of her.

Grammy is volunteering at her VBS all week, specifically doing the snacks for Emmie’s age group. That meant she also go to see her some during the day, and was able to send me some photos of her enjoying her fun day!

My mom used to make this “redneck chicken parm” for us growing up, and she mentioned it the other day and reminded me about it. So I decided I wanted to do it for dinner this week. It’s just those frozen chicken breast patties, baked and then topped with jarred marinara and a slice of mozzarella and baked a little more. And it’s so easy and yummy!

Addie was actually having a bit of a rough time at dinner, and didn’t really want to eat much… But we put her plate on the coffee table afterwards, and she ended up eating a good bit of it. Emmie on the other hand loved dinner, and ate everything on her plate, and finished it off with one of our fresh peaches.

I got all of our leftovers put away while the girls started watching Bluey, and Jeff started up a load of laundry.

I did finish this easy little puppy puzzle last night, so I think I might go ahead and start on another new one tonight, since I’m still in the puzzlin’ mood.

I washed up some dishes earlier while dinner was baking, so although there are still more, they can wait until another night, cuz I just wanna chill tonight…

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