Pita & Peanuts & Pizza

Loved doing drop-off with the little trippies today, as always. And all five girls were actually pretty in pink today!

And apparently, Emerson was chilly enough to wear gloves, but not so cold she needed a jacket 😉

Had plans with some of my work friends to check out a new “place” we’ve been seeing in the Tally Foodies FB page, The Pita Queen. It’s just a little falafel & pita stand outside the co-op on Magnolia, but when we pulled up today, she wasn’t there, like she’s supposed to be every single Friday! So instead, we just went a mile down the road to Pitaria instead, and still had a delicious meal, and got to sit outside in the perfect weather.

Then this afternoon, our office randomly gave us all a bag of warm boiled peanuts! (Literally no idea why, but hey, we don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!) When Emmie heard me tell Jeff about it this morning, she literally cheered and threw her arms up in the air and got so excited. So I told a friend at work that story on our walk into the building, and she helped secure me a second bag, from someone else who didn’t actually want them. So I got bring home a bag for Emmie to have this weekend!

Only one picture of Addie at school today…

We decided to do some carry-out pizza tonight, after a super busy and hectic work-week for me. (Literally, it’s been insane every minute of the day these past 40-working-hours.) Jeff ordered it online for us and wen to pick it up, taking Addie with him, and I washed up some dishes.

We had lots of hang out and chill time after dinner, and the girls played in this princess castle a lot.

We actually ran out of milk this morning, but forgot, so Jeff ran to Walgreens late tonight to find more. But when he got there, they had a sign up saying due to milk-plant-closures they had no half gallons or gallons of “regular” milk. So he got almond milk instead for the girls to try. I love it, but they’d never had it before. But both of them ended up loving it too, and Emmie even asked for more in her own, after finishing the rest of mine I had given her to try.

She was silly and doing a little song and dance in her bed, and then asking me to look up the man that wears black pants and black hat and sings some sort of song about the sea. I was like, Ummmmmm yeah that’s not enough to go on kid. But let me know if any of you have any leads on that 😉

Then when we were doing her little devotional, she wanted to get her Bible and look up the verse herself, even though the verse was already in our daily reading. She was so sweet about it.

And of course little miss Addie Pie was out like a light, rocking with Daddy at bedtime.

Jeff’s currently on the phone doing some remote IT support of some kind, so I’m going to finish this finale of “Survivor” I didn’t end up finishing last night.

I did finish up “It Starts With Us” by Colleen Hoover, and really loved it, just like I’ve loved all of her books. I just read my first book by her a couple of months ago back in the summer, and now I’ve read seven of her books!


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