Piñata & Empanada

I just loved Emerson’s sweet little church outfit this morning, with her tights and cardigan, and a new pair of fall boots from Nana – she was just so adorable! And this pose! This was completely unprompted, all on her own.

And of course Addison was adorable this morning as well! We skipped family lunch today and grabbed Chinese take-out on our way home, so we could eat quickly, and then go down for naptime quickly too.

And that included movie-rest time for Mommy too, in which I did eventually fall asleep on the couch for about 30 minutes. (And yes, just yesterday, this room was totally and completely spotless, and now it’s all messy again, but we’re gonna try to make ourselves fold those giant piles of the girls’ clean clothes while we watch tv tonight.)

Then after naptime, we headed out to some friends’ house, for a little one’s 2nd birthday party.

The sweetest German shepherd, Max – Emmie couldn’t get enough of him!

Emmie’s first time doing a piñata!

Look at all these cute little construction workers!

Jeff and the birthday boy adopted each other today 🙂

Baby Sister stayed awake while Jeff and I toted her around the entire party, then I fed her a bottle, and put her in her car seat before we left, and look at those super tired little eyes. She fell asleep before we even made it out to the car.

We stopped at Echalee on the way home for some of our favorite Mexican food for dinner. I got one beef enchilada which was good, but I also tried a carnitas empanada for the first time, and it was incredible. Sooo good. I’ll definitely be getting one of those again. And Jeff loved his chicken fajita nachos as usual, since he always gets the same thing lately.

On the way home from dinner, Emerson said very quietly and sweetly, “My tummy is super full and I’m very tired.” And she NEVER admits when she’s tired, so obviously she played super hard this afternoon, had tons of fun, but was definitely ready for bed! We got her down really easy, fed Addison a bottle while I watched Pioneer Woman, and then she instantly fell asleep too.

Now it’s time to work on folding some of those little baby clothes, before I crash in bed because I’m exhausted again tonight…



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