Picnic & Play-Doh

Sweet little girls at an easy drop-off this morning. But I actually only dropped off Emerson…

And then I took Addison for a quick doctor’s visit. She’s had a bad diaper rash for about 10 days now, and it wasn’t going away, and she’s also been playing with her ears a lot. Turns out her ears were fine, but she did have a yeast infection, so we got her some prescription cream for that, and hopefully that’ll be all clear soon!

She was still the same 25″ as last month, and is now 13 lbs 1 oz, so that’s one pound gained since last month.

We waited just a few minutes for CVS to open up, called them right away to ask them to pretty please fill her prescription ASAP, so I picked it up right at 9:05, and then took Addie to school. She fell asleep in the car (you can see she even fell asleep messing with her ear; so I think she just likes to play with them lately), but then her drop-off went really well too.

I had her teachers put her new cream on, and then Addie fell back asleep like 20 minute after I left, and proceeded to take a three-hour nap! Girlfriend was just exhausted, apparently! And although Emmie’s face in this first photo looks a little serious, she had a good day herself!

The school had a fundraising contest last week for a breast cancer foundation, and Emerson’s class won! So today, they got cupcakes and popsicles for their afternoon snack, and they got to eat it out on the playground.

Meg just needed to get out of her office building today, so she walked the two blocks from her building to mine, and we ate outside in the lovely weather under the oak & magnolia trees, and we had a great time together.

And then later, I sent her this picture of my afternoon coffee, because we were both exhausted and needing our Coffee:30 afternoon pick-me-up. I couldn’t stop yawning, and she could barely keep her eyes open, but my daily afternoon “iced” (cold) coffee really helps me out 😉

We had turkey & gravy and mashed potatoes for dinner, with a giant salad on the side for Jeff and I, and a Gogurt for Emmie.

Nana came by for a little while to drop off a box of diapers for Addison and some pink glitter duck boots for Emerson. After dinner, Emerson played with some Play-Doh, Addison watched and smiled, and I just soaked in the whole sweet scene.

Emmie wanted some Mommy cuddle times, so her and I did her bedtime book in my bed, plus her prayers and lullaby and “Jesus Loves Me,” then we relocated to her bed, and Daddy brought Addie to see us.

Emmie did alright at bedtime tonight, just got out of her bed twice, but only for small things and we got her back down quickly. Addie drank her last bottle, then fell asleep in Daddy’s arms. He held her for a while, and then she woke up when I tried to lay her down, so Daddy had to pick her back up and hold her for a while.

She actually slept really great in that sleep sack last night, sleeping from 9pm until 6am, just a happy little camper! Hopefully once we get her back to sleep tonight, she’ll have another great night’s sleep, so that we can all sleep good again tonight!


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