Enjoy the Little Things

We started a new month yesterday, and Florida’s governor issued a state-wide stay-at-home order for the next month… With all the craziness and darkness and disappointment and struggles in the world right now surrounding this virus, when most of us are “stuck” at home, or for those of us who have been deemed “essential Government employees,” this message on my calendar to “enjoy the little things” seems like a very important reminder right now. Cliche, sure. But also, not…

I couldn’t have known when I made this back in December, how fitting this would be in April, but I think we’ll make a point to do just that. We’ll enjoy the little things this month, like extra time with my tiny 3-fam, video calls with the rest of the family, beautiful weather & time spent in our yard, and lots of time in our comfy, cozy home.


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Sunrise, Popcorn & Otters

Sunrise was beautiful this morning! Those of us not able to telework got to see this huge bright orange sun cresting over the interstate this morning (which I realize isn’t a majestic location or anything, but it IS wide open and clear coming down the little hill). It’s hard to tell from a cell phone photo, but wow, it was so pretty!


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Mississippi to Missouri

Emerson started her day by getting her hair curled for the first time!

And then we had a really good continental breakfast at the hotel. With those fancy fresh juices, and my array of choices, I felt like one of those “balanced breakfast” ads. And it was all so good! They even had fresh smoothies, which Emerson definitely loved.

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Hotel Alabama

First things first, we’re in Alabama tonight! (And the post title should sound like “Hotel California” in your head, just to be clear.) And we’re on Central Time, and it’s late. So I’m going to mostly photo dump and leave the chit-chat for another day, because I’m on an unfamiliar laptop, on slow hotel wi-fi, and it’s just weird. (But you know when I say I won’t write much, I usually still do…)

Anyways, first thing this morning, we packed our car with a whole bunch of stuff, dropped off Emmie at school, and then Jeff and I worked a half day until noon. When we got off work, we went out to my parents house, transferred allllll the stuff to my Grandmother’s car, and then the 3 of us loaded up and headed to daycare to pick up Emerson from school. And then we hopped on the interstate for a little road trip!


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