Desktop Planting & Adult Coloring

Lots of fun things to share today, so lets get to it! Addie Pie was in such a silly, goofy mood this morning 🙂

But Emerson wasn’t so much in the mood for photos before school, but that’s ok…

Addie’s silly, goofy mood appears to have continued the whole day at school too!

After rooting this little plant-baby in a coffee mug on my desk for the past two months, it was finally (more than) ready to plant. So today, I finally remembered to bring the cute new pot I got months ago, and some soil in a Tupperware, and I did a little bit of desktop planting this morning. And it looks so cute!  Hoping it thrives like it’s plant-mother behind it back there! (Which maybe needs to be repotted too actually, since it’s thriving so much.)

Went out to lunch today with my co-workers for our bi-monthly unit lunch. We take turns choosing the place, and today my co-worker Chris chose to go to BJ’s Brewhouse. This fried chicken with spicy corn succotash was yummy. But we forgot to take a group photo.

I was listening to a long audio book that I just couldn’t quite get into, and even though I was at 65%, I still had over 5.5 hours of listening left. So I decided to just abandon that one, and I started a new audio book, and this one hooked me right from the start.

Then for dinner tonight, I made turkey sweet potato chili, and that was really yummy. Addie didn’t eat very much, but Emmie actually did. I’ve made this multiple times, and I just always really love it.

I did bath time with the girls after dinner, and Jeff cleaned up the dining table and a little bit of the kitchen. Then he was in charge of getting Addison dried off and dressed for bed, and I got Emerson dried off and dressed, and then we immediately started on her bedtime. We finished this silly little “mystery” book we’ve been reading tonight, so tomorrow night we’ll start on the cute magic/fantasy book we got on our library trip last week.

Addison wouldn’t fall asleep for Jeff tonight, for whatever reason, so I came and rocked her, and sang her a lullaby, and she was out in 5-10 minutes. Once I got her laid down, I lit a new candle that my friend Heather gave me for my birthday back in January. I don’t know what chai “tonka” is, but it smells great!

Jeff was super tired and went to bed early, right as I was putting Addie down. I washed up a bunch of dishes earlier while the chili was simmering, and I already rinsed out my Dutch oven and it’s currently soaking in the sink. I will now be sitting down to color more of the cute little picture I started last night, and starting the first episode of “Daisy Jones & The Six” on Amazon Prime. (This series was adapted from a book, which I “read” twice – both on audio due to the fantastic cast of many narrators – and it’s truly one of my favorites. So I’m very excited for the show!)

I kinda love these nights when Jeff goes to bed early, and I can do whatever I want and watch whatever I want 😉


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