Peaches & Tajin

Jeff and the boys were up early today, ready and waiting for Nana to come over. They loaded up her car with all their stuff, and then the four of them set off to head back to their mom. (They meet halfway between here and their home in South Carolina, about mid-Georgia area, roughly 4 hours away.) We loved having them here this past week, and we had a great together. It was so sweet seeing both of the boys taking care of the girls, and watching Addison really fall in love with them the Emerson already loved them, now that Addie was old enough to make a connection with them. We’ll miss them these next few months, and will be excited to have them come back for their spring break.

After they headed out, the girls and I had breakfast at home together, and then had a lazy morning for an hour or so. Then it was time to get dressed, and they looked adorable in new matching outfits from Nana. We took a load of stuff to donate at Goodwill, I grabbed a hot latte from Dunkin, and then we did our weekly grocery shopping at Aldi.

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4th Annual Low Country Boil

I was at church this morning bright and early (or foggy & early at least) at 8am for praise team rehearsal. Then I ran back home to get the girls loaded up in my car, so that Jeff could load up the boys in his car, and get ourselves to church! Emmie picked out these outfits for them to wear together, and good grief they looked so stinking adorable!

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Cozy WFH Vibes

The water in our building was turned off today to work on the pipes & plumbing. So we couldn’t use the restrooms… And since our old building is heated by an old boiler, there was also no heat. So we were allowed to work from home, so obviously I chose to do that! I stayed in my super soft, super warm jammies, lit a candle, and made a pot of coffee.

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Christmas Day 2022

I “gave myself the night off” last night, after a long, busy, fun-filled day, so this post is for Christmas Day, yesterday. The girls actually slept until about 7am, so luckily we weren’t up super early. And then we had a sweet morning (once we got the boys awake too), with our little 6-fam at home.

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Visiting Santa on Christmas Eve

I’m going to try to keep this brief, since we have so much left to do tonight after an already busy day, but you know I always write too much anyways…

Jeff did a quick grocery run first thing this morning (no pick-up slots were available), and the boys always sleep in, so I just made oatmeal for the girls and I for breakfast.

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