Recycled Robot
Jeff took both girls to school this morning, so that I could go into the office early again today. He said Addie was in a bit of a mood here at Emmie’s drop-off, but she was happy by the time they made it to daycare.
Jeff took both girls to school this morning, so that I could go into the office early again today. He said Addie was in a bit of a mood here at Emmie’s drop-off, but she was happy by the time they made it to daycare.
Cute little matching girls today! Also, Jeff had to work on his car this morning, so I took both girls early, and even got to work 15 minutes early!
Raspberries & Strawberries Read More »
Addison was just crab-walking her way into a new week this morning, heading into school. Please make sure to notice her little tiny pincers.
Jeff was on the tech team this morning, and I was in the preschool room in GC Kids Jr, so we were all there a little early, but 9am isn’t so bad. The girls were adorable and ready for a morning at church!
Today was a rather strange-feeling day… It started off normal with cinnamon rolls and chores around the house. But then I dropped off Emerson at her bestie Daisy’s birthday party. And that was the first time we’ve even dropped her off like that without staying during the party. And it was a long party too! I dropped her off around noon, and didn’t pick her up until right after 7pm.
Emerson was our only little girlie to go to school today, but she was still smiling about it. Unfortunately, Addison woke up at 6am and threw up. (Luckily, we could tell it was coming, so Jeff got her to the sink in time.)
Fortnight, Florida, & Frother’s Read More »
Today was Emerson’s field trip day to Redemptive Love Farm, and I took the whole day off to chaperone! And baby Addison was just cute and happy for her regular day at school 🙂
Another Farm Field Trip Read More »
I’m feeling particularly exhausted tonight, so I’m just dropping a couple photos here, and then crashing into the couch for some rest…
Emerson was dressed and ready for her 1st grade musical. They did a little performance for some of the other grades this morning during school, as a dress rehearsal for the show tonight. And Addison was excite to wear her sister’s hand-me-down dino dress!