After a very big, and very busy summer (her first time going away to camp, her first night away from family, passing the swim test at summer camp, & so much more), we finally made it to 2nd grade! She was up and at ’em bright and early, got herself dressed, told me how she wanted her hair, and when I told her I liked her shoes, she was like, “And get this – the socks match!”
I wish I had gotten a picture of her cute little piggy tails, since you can’t really see them from any of these angles. But I love that even though she’s growing up so much, part of her is still a sweet little girl who wants pigtails on her first day of school. 🥰
Emerson was just so super excited for 2nd grade! She has been ready for another year of school, in a new class, with a new teacher. She’s growing up so fast, and I’m so proud of her! And baby sister started a new room at preschool today too!
We did a quick car switcharoo so that Daddy and I could both take Emmie for the first day of school drop-off. Loved this beautiful sunrise we got to see while we waited in line. The line went quick, and before I knew it, she had grabbed her backpack and hopped right out, and went on her merry way!
Looks like Addison had fun in her new big girl class today!
And then when I got back to pick her up at the end of the day, she was so happy to see her Mama! She got in the car and asked, “Are we going out to dinner for the first day of school?” I said, “No, I was planning to cook at home.” And she again asked, “Are we going out to dinner for the first day of school?” So I repeated my same response. She wanted to know what I was gonna make, and when I answered chicken nuggets, rice & caesar salad, she moaned and was very much not interested.
Girlfriend decided she wanted a burger for dinner, so I said what the heck and took her to get a burger for her first day of school meal! I had only been to Burger Barn once before, but Jeff and the girls hadn’t been. Everything was delicious and we all really liked our food. I did a build-your-own bacon cheeseburger, with just the traditional toppings. But Jeff got some crazy “knife & fork” burger that’s literally smothered in spicy queso and bacon crumbles.
Daddy was praying for our dinner, and Addie was copying everything he was saying, and it was so sweet.
The lighting in there was so bright, and both of their eyes looked so bright and blue and beautiful and I wanted a picture of that, but they could only give me these slightly crazy faces.
Had to go outside for a few minutes with Pennie while she ran around when we got home, to let the girls run around a little while too. They hadn’t had any sugar at dinner (other than a little Sprite), but they were crazy!
We also had a video call with Papa to sing to him on his birthday, and the girls were still wild and just performing their little heads off, being so silly. We immediately got the sleepy gummies out after the phone call, and started winding down for the night. It wasn’t too long before they were both cuddly and cozy and calm, and then we got them both to sleep.