Twins & Triplets
Jeff hit the road really early this morning to go pick up the boys, so Emerson and I went to Canopy Road Cafe, to meet Grammy, Papa & Grandmommie for breakfast!
Jeff hit the road really early this morning to go pick up the boys, so Emerson and I went to Canopy Road Cafe, to meet Grammy, Papa & Grandmommie for breakfast!
Ms. Kristin surprised Emerson this morning, with a new book about frogs! Emmie has been really excited about frogs lately, and Ms. Kristin found this one in the school library, and said it was for Emmie to take home! She was very into it.
First off, look at this little “then & now” comparison photo Google made. On the left, she was only about 4 or 5 months old, verses 23½ months on the right! So different! So sassy now!
She saw my SlimFast on the counter at home this morning, and was reaching for it hollering, “drink, drink, drink!” So I stuck a straw in it & shared with her!
Workin’ Girls’ Lunch Read More »
Jeff woke up with a migraine this morning. And it was my turn on praise team, so I had to be at church early. So I dropped off Emerson with Grammy & Pepaw, to have breakfast at the Bagel Bistro, so I could get to rehearsal on time. (Nursery starts at 9am, and I had to be there at 8:45am.) But of course neither Emmie nor her grandparents minded this last minute arrangement.
I love a sweet, sleepy baby first thing in the morning. She woke up early (as toddlers do), so we cuddled up in my robe & watched Moana together for a little bit.
Secret Garden Pool Read More »
Super cute new romper! Funny story – Daddy accidentally put it on backwards first, so when she came marching into my bedroom to show me while I was getting dressed, the v-neck in the front was superrrrr low, so Mommy had to turn it around 😆 But then she looked adorable! (In this first photo, I was asking her to point out a bird, so she would stop clinging on to me so much, so I could out her down, haha)