Mixing It Up

Always, always the cutest girls!

This was always one of my favorite little outfits of Emerson’s, with the tea pot on the shirt, and I love it on Addison too, of course! Emerson was so tiny though, she was wearing this 3-month-size outfit, when she was actually like 9-months-old. Addison actually turned 5-months-old yesterday, so although she’s still little, she’s slightly bigger than Emmie was at this age.

I mixed up the TikTok famous salmon-rice today, with last night’s leftovers, and it was super delicious. My avocado was also perfect, and I was so proud of myself for eating it at exactly the right time 😉

When I got to the school to pick up the girls, the tiniest one had fallen asleep in the swing, and although I hated to wake her up, I couldn’t wait to love on her!

Poor little thing has a terrible diaper rash though, so I texted our pediatrician and friend Abby, and she gave me a specific formula of 2:1:1 of Desitin, lotrimin and hydrocortisone, mixed up and used at every diaper change. So me being me, I was literally measuring it all out with an actual measuring spoon. And then I separated it into two smaller tubs, so we can keep one at home and send one to school. Just wanna get my poor girls’ booty feeling better!

Nita shared some of her giant Costco produce haul with us over the weekend, and we especially love this butter lettuce. Not only is it really good lettuce, but the tiny little lettuce heads are just so cute! We had meatloaf and mashed potatoes, and I made salads for Jeff and I, and Emmie just had a few cucumbers and a pile of shredded cheese as her “side.”

Abby also recommended a nice long, warm bath to help Addie’s diaper rash, so we put both girls back in the tub tonight, and let them stay in for quite a while.

Emmie had some snacks after bedtime, and we watched a tiny bit of of Alvin and the Chipmunks, because Daddy rightly assumed she would love the cute tiny chipmunks. She did MUCH better at bedtime tonight, and things went very smooth.

Addison fell asleep in Daddy’s arms almost instantly after bath time, and stayed sound asleep when I transferred her to her crib as well.

I washed up all the dishes after finishing the girls’ bedtime, and then mixed up some more overnight oats (I did a pumpkin pie flavor last time, but tonight I did peanut butter, and I’ll add in some banana when it’s time to eat), and some cold coffee for my afternoon pick-me-up, and now I’m set for the rest of the week.

Tonight’s whole routine just went so much more smoothly than usual, it was a welcome change from the past three nights, and it was nice to just love on the girls and put them down easily, without all the drama and shenanigans. And now I just get to rest and relax a bit before bedtime.

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