Memorial Day 2024

As always, the girls were up bright and early, up to their usual shenanigans. By the time I woke up and came out to the living room, Emmie was in her cheer costume form Halloween, and Addie was only in a diaper. But I convinced them it would be fun to wash my giant sliding glass door, and they honestly liked it and fought each other about staying on their own sides 😂

We pretty much spent the whole morning just lazing about, not really doing much, taking it easy. We did however send Jeff to Walmart, to buy our annual blow-up pool for the backyard, and he got that all set up for the girls. I made them some turkey & provolone pinwheels for lunch, and then they immediately changed into their swimsuits.

I made myself a turkey wrap as well, with some whipped feta dip I found on the Walmart app, that was so good, and ate while watching them play, before I put on my suit and joined them too.

Our hydrangea bushes are really starting to bloom so nicely, changing colors into this beautiful blue & purple mix.

Between the blooming hydrangeas, the girls eating watermelon the grass, and playing in the water, it just felt so MDW.

After our little swim time (in the freezing cold backyard hose water), I gave the girls a warm bath, and then took a shower myself, and got us all ready for some nap/quiet time. Addie went down easily, and then I fell asleep on the couch reading my Kindle book. Jeff took a shower too, but Emmie didn’t want to nap, so they made a quick run to Dunkin for some special afternoon drinks.

Then we went over to Nana & PopPop’s for some hangout time and a Memorial Day cookout. Emmie helped set the table, and Nana make delicious homemade baked beans to go with the hamburgers & hotdogs, as well as some store-bought cole slaw, plus strawberries & watermelon for “dessert.”

And of course some strawberry popsicles for the little girlies.

And by the time we got home, these girls were totally exhausted, and were ready for sleep pretty easily and quickly.

I had planned to wash the giant sink full of dishes this afternoon, but fell asleep on the couch instead. So I’m going to go do that now, so we can start week with a (relatively) clean slate.

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