Meg’s Baby Boy Baby Shower!

Emmie and I woke up early this morning, to head over to Grammy and Papa’s house, to help with the set-up for a baby shower for Meggie’s baby boy!

We also had a ton of help from our other co-host’s, Grandmommie, Aunt Suzanne, Aunt Jane and even our pastor’s wife Ms. Becky. Which was all great, because Grammy didn’t fell well when she woke up this morning, and unfortunately had to stay in bed and sleep it off. But she had done so much of the work and all the decorating yesterday, so we were still able to pull it off, and everything was great, and we had a great turn out!

We clearly had LOTS of great food, as always, because we surely don’t know how to do a “small” party.

Meg and Bo have chosen a baseball theme for the baby’s nursery, so obviously we had to do a baseball theme for the shower today too. And it was oh so very cute, especially using baseball things as decor, including pictures of both Bo & Meg playing baseball and tee ball (and Meg being the “lead” in the church play called “Casey at the Bat”) from when they were little.

There were about 40 people that came from all areas of Meg’s life, mostly from church our church and some from Growing Room.

I bought meg this hand-held rechargeable fan as part of her shower gift, cuz girlfriend wants cold air blowing on her face at every possible second this summer. And who can blame her in this Florida heat, and 7 months pregnant!? So as soon as she opened it from the bag, she was like, “Hey let’s get this thing opened up I need this now!”

We really really missed having our Mama there with us today. And we know she hated to miss the party. But we hope we did her proud getting everything set up and hosting as best as we could!

I just love this beautiful sister of mine so very much!

After we finished cleaning up after the party, we loaded up as much as we could into Meg’s van, and then filled up my whole trunk as well, plus a big box in my front seat. Then Emmie and I went over to their house, to help unload everything and organize everything from the shower today. We even put up some more decorations in the nursery, but I’m not sharing those pics, saving for Meg to share 🙂

The girls were running wild pretty much the whole time we were all working, but they laid here playing mermaids or something for about 5 minutes.

Meg worked us hard with her to-do list at her house, so it was about 4:30 by the time we finished up there and headed out. We drove straight through town from Mahan to Tennessee (they live off East Mahan and we live off West Tennessee, so we’re literally on opposite ends of town on the “same” road), so we went through the drive through at this new little drive-thru-only coffee shop for special drinks. I got a hazelnut & coconut frappe, and it was delicious! And I ordered Emmie some sort of “Ocean Hoot” frozen drink, which accidentally ended up being an energy drink, which I didn’t realize until she had already drunk half of it. But at least I didn’t let her drink anymore once I figured that out… 🥴

Then it was like 5pm or something by the time we got home. Jeff and Addie had just been doing their own thing together all day, but when we got home they were both napping together in my bed. We left them there for a bit, and then I ended up taking a quick 20-minute power nap on the couch too. We just scrounged up some random leftovers and cereal and fruit for dinner, and watched a movie, and eventually got the girls to bed. It’s now past 10pm, and it’s raining and storming pretty hard now, and I’m exhausted from such a big day, so I’m sure I’ll be asleep very soon too!

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