Hosting in our Home

I was on the worship team this morning, so I was at church very early. That left Jeff and the girls to get ready by themselves, and get to church on time. And even though he didn’t get the most aesthetic photo, at least he still got one 🙂

While I was singing in “big church,” Jeff was serving in the sound booth for GC Kids.

After church, Emerson specifically wanted me to take a picture of her with her favorite GCYouth, who serves in the kids program and Emmie just loves her so much.

Quick lunch at Firehouse after church before heading home for nap time.

Jeff actually had to go back to Port St. Joe today for some more work at his client’s office, so head hit the road after lunch. After some struggle getting Addie down for her nap (Emmie was super easy to get down), Pennie laid here quietly while I wandered all around tidying up and starting some laundry. She would get up and follow me around a little, and then when I would sit down to take a break, she sat right down with me again.

New lemon table cloth for the dining table I got for $5 at Aldi a while back, and just never put it on.

When Emmie woke up from her nap, she helped me finish cleaning up some of the little girl stuff scattered around the dining room, and also got some doggie loves.

And then we had some family come to visit us! I had invited my Mama back over to help me with crazy citrus puzzle again this afternoon (because she’s truly a puzzle master!), and we wanted Papa to get to meet our new Pennie Girl (he was a big advocate for us adopting her, when I sent them photos last Sunday morning, and actually a big reason we ended up doing it), and of course we wanted Grandmommie to come over just to hang out too!

We had puzzle time, and play time, and Papa took Pennie and the girls for a walk (where Addie was running, and Pennie was chasing her and Emmie was holding the leash and tripped and fell and scraped her knee, hand & elbow and Papa had to carry her back home), and then I made a giant sausage, egg & cheese breakfast casserole, with biscuits and strawberries for dinner.

Then my Mama offered to wash up all the dishes for me, and of course I took her up on that, and she got all of it taken care of before they left, and I was very grateful for that!

Then of course it was time to get into jammies and snuggle up on the couch. We started off by watching a little bit of the Olympic gymnastics on the Peacock app, before we switched over the watch a few episodes of Bluey on Disney+.

Both girls went to sleep really easily for me tonight, so I was able to lay Addie down in her bad after just a little bit of rocking and snuggling. Emmie fell asleep on the couch with Pennie, and I just left them both there while I’ve been writing this post, watching them on the living room camera.

I’m going to try to carry Emmie to her room now, but that girl is getting harder and harder to carry, with all of her long gangly limbs flopping everywhere! And since the dishes are done and everything is cleaned up and put away, I’m going to work on my puzzle a little more while watch my tv show, while Jeff is still doing some computer work…

It’s been a long time since we’ve had family over and I’ve cooked for them, but it was so nice and lovely having other people in our home, and eating dinner at our table, listening to a record and laughing at our cute girlies. Loved hosting our family in our home for a simple, casual evening together!

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