Greek Combo Plate

We were able to dig out a couple of matching t-shirts for the sisters today for camp and school. And we accidentally had them in the same shorts as well. And Addie was happy and really enjoying that Nutty Bar for breakfast 🤣

And Addie was in such a great mood this morning, she finally ran up and gave Grammy a big ole hug at daycare, instead of shying away and hiding behind Mama.

And right after we pulled up, Meggie and the trippies pulled up right next to us as well. So it was just chaotic loves and hugs and excitement all around!

Addie was holding onto Kensley’s arm, just cuddling up on her, rubbing her face on her, loving her so much.

Then today The Frother’s Daughter coffee truck was at my office, so I reminded Meg as we left daycare. And wouldn’t you know it, but I ran into her in the line when I got there! So we had ourselves a little accidental, coincidental, micro-sized sister coffee date this morning.

But then at lunch, we had met up on purpose for a sister lunch at Sahara, and Bo actually came and crashed our sister lunch, which was a nice surprise. But this combo platter with lamb and chicken shawarma, with Greek salad and hummus as my sides, was sooo delicious. I also love their sun tea.

I had been trying to take our little group selfie afterwards, but my arms were short I couldn’t get all of us in the frame. So Bo offered to do it and grabbed my phone, and held it up high, and I was immediately like “Whoa check out these angles!!”

Couple of pictures of Addie and her little friends having a great time running around on the playground, and having fun in their classroom.

Jeff got the chicken and gravy started in the crock-pot for us this morning, so then when we got home after school and work, it was easy to finish getting dinner ready. I cleaned up a few ears of fresh corn on the cob to boil, and just made some instant mashed potatoes. Emerson especially loved this meal tonight. She ate every bite and cleaned her plate!

Nana actually came over for a little bit tonight, mainly to bring over all the things that were in the bed of their truck after our West Virginia trip, that we just hadn’t gotten back from them yet. The girls were running wild and playing and being so cute and fun and silly, driving around and bouncing around and mooing like cows.

I worked on my puzzle a little bit while Nana was still here chatting with us. I thought I had made a lot more progress than what it looks like now, but now that we’ve gotten the girls down, I’ll go work on it a little more before bedtime.

We’ve watched a bunch of movies this week, strangely I’ve been able to stay awake a little more than usual on the couch at night. Last night, we started a little Hallmark-style rom-com set in Greece, about a chef opening up a restaurant (which is why we ended up at Sahara today, because I was craving Greek food!), so we’re gonna finish that up tonight.

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