At drop-off this morning, Emerson immediately stood there, leaving a gift in her diaper… I gave her a hug and a kiss, and a wave and a “Thank you!” to the teachers, and let them clean her up as I waltzed outta there! Haha.
And then she got a special treat! Grandparent’s Day is coming up this Sunday, so today, Growing Room hosted a tea party today! Grammy and Grandmommie were both able to attend this morning (although Jeff’s mom “Nana” couldn’t make it this time), and clearly, Emmie had a great time with them! Even Aunt Meggie got to come visit her classroom and hang out with them too.
I’ve never seen her play with this dinosaur before, but I thought it was hilarious and adorable and I loved it.
I didn’t get to go to the Grandparent’s Day Tea Party (obviously), but I loved seeing all the photos! I took a short 30-minute lunch break today and stayed at my desk again eating Trader Joe’s lemon basil pasta salad, and reading again. This pasta salad was even better than yesterday’s, and I think I would rate it 8/10.
After work, I went to pick up Emerson. Jeff and I are still driving separate (instead of carpooling), but Daddy met us at school in order for a quick hug and kiss, before he went to do some computer work for someone else. Then Emmie and I headed on home. Right as I got home, I finished my current audio book. It was a murder mystery situation, and it was pretty good – I rated it 3/5 stars. And since Emmie took a short nap today, she fell asleep in the car on the way home of course.
About a month or so ago, I signed up to get a special book selection sent to my from The Bookshelf in Thomasville, picked specifically by Erin Napier from HGTV’s “Home Town.” In case you don’t remember, I’m a little obsessed with Erin (is that the right word?), and I love everything she does. Anyways, the book came in the mail yesterday (I opened it too late last night to make it in the blog), but I was so excited about it! It came packed in this cute little linen bag, with a postcard, bookmark, and confetti! I’ve never heard of this book, but it’s brand new – just came out a few weeks ago. Looking forward to reading it though!
And then my Mama came over! She brought Whataburger meals for the three of us, and we had dinner together and played a little bit. Then Emmie was worn out from such a busy day, so she went down pretty easily, just a little bit earlier than usual even. And then my Mama and I did lots of planning for our church’s upcoming fall festival! Her and I are always in charge of pretty much the whole thing, and this is the 4th year we’ve done it together. We’re getting really good at it, but we’re adding some new elements this year, and we had some things to work through. We got lots planned though, and we’re feeling good about it!
And of course little Miss Independent had to have her own ketchup to dip her fries in. It’s one of her favorite things – dips & sauces & dipping practically her entire hand in it usually.
I’m currently blogging and watching “Gilmore Girls” on Netflix, and Jeff is on his way home. Looking forward to Friday, folks!