Flat Tire

We splurged on Shipley’s donuts again for breakfast today, because they’re just so good and so easy.


Plus, these kolache’s are incredible. If you haven’t tried Shipley’s, you should!

Jeff went out after breakfast to do some computer work for a family friend, and Emerson helped me clean the living room and dining room and start a load of laundry, all while Addison sat in her little bouncy seat watching her tv show. She eventually fell asleep, and then Emmie settled down on the couch to rest too.

I packed up our bags, and loaded everything in the car including the girls, and as soon as Jeff got back home, he hopped in the car with us and we drove over to Grammy & Papa’s house. We had lunch together, and then had to go for a little dip in the pool too.

We ran out of swimmy diapers, but her little suit bottom wouldn’t stay up without a big bulky diaper in there filling it out.

Jeff took Addie back in early when she started getting whiny, so I flopped into a float, and stayed out there longer than anyone, just enjoying the cool water and the hot sun on my face.

We had a little afternoon chill time, and Grammy made us a pot of coffee, and Emmie had some hot tea with her snack & Peppa.

Then we planned to make a stop by Uncle Keith’s house to see Grandmommie, while she is dog-sitting for them. But just a shortly after leaving their house, we started hearing a weird sound from the car. I said it sounded like a flat tire, so we pulled over, and sure enough, that’s exactly what it was. We hit some sort of shrapnel in just the “right” way to imbed it in there. We’ll have to get it taken care of tomorrow, if possible, or maybe Monday, just depending on how things go, but for now we have the spare on there.

We did still make a super quick stop to see Grandmommie on our way home, and get some loves from her.

Emmie refused to take a nap this afternoon, but fell asleep on the drive home, which is rare for her.

We ordered A-Town wings for takeout and picked it up on the way home, and DANG it was good. We love these wings, but hadn’t gotten them in over a year (that I can remember at least?), and this was such a good decision tonight. I was stuffed, and couldn’t even finish all of those fries.

We had some movie-watching chill time after dinner, and then got the girls ready for bed.

Emmie was getting upset over things that were bothering her, and she ended up causing herself a little meltdown. Jeff brought her back to the living room and they’re snuggling on the couch, while I write this post. Hopefully she’s all settled down now and will be ready for bed, because I know that girl is exhausted!


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