Evening Sunshine

Goofy girl, wearing her almost-too-small purple Growing Room t-shirt, for school spirit day, on the “last day of summer.”


And check out this pair of “new” hand-me-down shoes! In the car this morning, Emerson said, “I like my shoes! They’re so colorful! On the straps….and on the outside…”



She made this face and told me take her picture, so I did 😉


My mom’s best friend (who we call Aunt Jane) stopped by today with a sweet hospital-gift for Emerson, and even a special little treat for Jeff and I. We are receiving so much love and support from our friends and families already, and it really means the world to us. My plan is to save/hide any gifts we collect for Emmie (like the stuff I’ve already gotten, and I know my Mom & Grandmother have gotten some things), and take them to Jax with us, then we can give her maybe one a day post-surgery, or something like that. I’m sure she’ll love getting special little surprises like that!


Jeff had a dentist appointment this morning, so he texted when he was done asking if he could pick up food for lunch, as a special treat, since we basically never buy lunch out in the world anymore, while WFH. I agreed, and he chose Roboto’s. We got the samurai shrimp meal to share, plus mini egg rolls & crab puffs. And it was decent, but ya know, not anything spectacular…


I also busted out a new wax melt that I had forgotten about. I actually got this one, and a “harvest spice” scent, at Goodwill last Christmas, for $3 each, and put them away in the closet. I got this one for a fruity, summer scent, and I really, really like it. Oh, and how many squares do y’all use, if you have a wax melter? I saw a girl on a video the other day putting like three or four, and I had never even thought about doing more than one… I assume I only do one because I’m stingy and don’t want to use it up too fast, but am I missing out on excellent fragrance by only doing one?! (It may look like more than one below, but it just broke when I tried to get it out of the package, it’s really only one piece.)


Today was Emerson’s last day in her current classroom with Miss Jessica, and it looks like her and her little friends had a great day together, and they even had a little afternoon party with popsicles & cupcakes!







Little Miss thought she’d drive us home, but she stretched out and realized that her tiny legs didn’t quite reach the pedals.


But I love this little hair-do that Miss Jessica did for her. I asked if Miss Nicole would do her hair in her new classroom, but she wasn’t sure. I said well maybe you should start letting me do your hair in the mornings before school then, but she wasn’t so sure about that…



She vacuumed the living room, and when we watered my herb garden out back, we picked a little piece so she could sniff it. She then wanted to do a little gardening work of her own, so she grabbed her little garden cart and did a little bit of indoor gardening 😉




I roasted up a pan of ranch garlic carrots, and we had some of the leftover buffalo chicken for sammies again tonight. Everything was delicious, and there was almost zero work that needed to be done, so it was super easy.



After dinner, we went on the front porch to watch Daddy mow the yard, which is one of Emerson’s favorite activities. She kept telling him, “It looks nice over there Daddy!” and pointing to the parts he had already mowed.



He ran out of gas in the mower about halfway through, so we went on a family outing to the gas station, so get a little refill. This girl loved the car ride, but I loved seeing the sunset and the clouds!



Little bit again tried to tell me that she wasn’t tired and didn’t need to sleep, all through tears, but of course I told her that she had to do it anyways, whether she wanted to or not. I also reminded her that when she wakes up in the morning, we would have a Mommy/Emmie day together all day tomorrow, because school is closed for a teacher planning day, so she was willing to lay down then.

Jeff got the front yard finished up, and he’s getting himself cleaned up now. I’ve been staying up too late every night this week, and I actually woke up with a terrible head ache this morning, that didn’t go away all day. So tonight, I’m going to make sure I get to sleep at a decent time, and get some good rest.

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