Emerson’s First Dentist Visit

The title has given us away already, but Little Miss Emerson had her very first dental cleaning this morning! It wasn’t her first ever visit though – y’all probably remember when one of her front teeth turned dark gray last October, after falling and hitting it. We did a quick consultation back then for them to just check it out, but she wasn’t on our dental insurance yet, so we waited for her first official cleaning until after the start of this year.


At daycare last week, they actually had dental hygienists come into the classrooms and talk about keeping your teeth clean, so that was perfect timing for us to also start talking to her about it at home, and preparing her before the first visit. She was a little shy walking in at first, but she wasn’t scared or freaking out or anything.


They took a quick x-ray of the front teeth, just to make sure that front one was OK after the “trauma” from last fall, and they said it looked fine!


And then she settled right into the chair with her headphones (to watch “The Secret Life of Pets” on the TV mounted on the ceiling – so cool!) and sunglasses, and was actually really super good while getting her teeth bushed and cleaned!



Such clean and sparkly baby teeth, in her little tooth sunglasses!! She had zero cavities, and no other issues. They did say she has a tendency to build up tartar, but that can be normal sometimes. Dr. Shawn also said that her teeth are pretty crowded inside her tiny mouth, and warned me to start saving up for the orthodontist, because that will almost definitely be in her future… womp, womp, womp.


For a reminder, this below is what her tooth looked like last November, when it was all dark and gray and we went for the consultation. They told us it could fade away on it’s own, but couldn’t say for sure. I was worried it would stay like that for the next few years until she finally lost the tooth, so I’m very pleased it’s almost completely normal again, just a few months later!


She was given a little pink cup with a new toothbrush & toothpaste, and she picked out a new pink rubber ducky from the prize bin. They also had some promo chapstick on the counter, so I grabbed her one of those too, because you know she loves her chapstick.


Since we would be late after the dentist, and she had missed breakfast time at school, I told her beforehand that if she was really good at the dentist, I’d get her a treat. So we stopped to pick up a hash brown from Taco Bell on the way to school, and she was more than happy to hang out and eat it in the car before heading into school.



I had our brinner leftovers from last night for my lunch today, and watched Netflix on my phone for just a bit, since today is my short 30-minute lunch day.


Oh, and I also grabbed some goodies for myself at the dentist earlier – I always love a good, free pen. Plus, the white thing is instant hand sanitizer spray! Isn’t that one of the coolest things? I definitely needed one of those for my purse.


Looks like my little precious girl had a great day at school today!

There was a bunch of messy hoopla happening at work today, so I ended up having to stay until 5pm instead of leaving at my usual 4:30. That meant I couldn’t make it in time to meet the family for dinner before church, so that was sad news! Luckily, I have a great Mama, and she ordered me a salad & sandwich from McAlister’s to-go, and I just went straight out to the church (after running through the drive-thru book drop off at the library to return books), and ate my food there before choir started.

When I got there, Emerson was running up and down the hill, back and forth all around the grass, just the happiest little girl! (And then she fell down on the sidewalk, and it was so sad, and she scraped up her little knee.)

I saw at the tiny table in her nursery classroom, eating our dinners together. She never finishes her meal on Wednesday’s, so we always send it into class with her, so she can eat more. So we got to eat together after all!

I went on to choir, and Emmie got to paint a cute Valentine’s craft, and decorate sugar cookies. Then I had praise team following choir, and got to sing lots of good songs tonight.

Here’s the cute little Valentine Emmie made tonight, and a box of chocolates we were given tonight, in thanks for singing at the banquet the other night! Emerson had apparently been waiting on me to get home, so I still did all the bedtime routine and lullabies and such, and got her down, if not a little late. I’m only going to do one pre-tea-party chore tonight, since it’s already so late. And then I think I’ll eat some of those chocolates…


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