Double Disappointment

This little girl was very happy to be wearing her new Crocs to school today. These are the first ones she picked out to try on when we were at Beall’s Outlet the other night, and coincidentally they were the right size, and they looked stinking adorable on her, and they were only like, $12.99! I’ve never actually been a huge fan of Crocs, but how could I resist when they look this cute on her?!


When we talked about the shoes on the way home that night, she told me her friend at school has pink shoes that look like this, and that’s why she wanted them. And she’s right! I’ve seen her little bestie girlfriend wear pink Crocs to school, so I guess Emmie decided she liked hers and wanted some too! How funny!



She’s also just the silliest little silly head.


I got to eat my leftover breakfast casserole from Sunday, when I got to work this morning, and it was still sooo good. Yum!


And then I had leftover chili from yesterday for my lunch today, and it was also super yummy again! I had actually brought it in my usual leak-proof glass container, but it was wayyy too much for one meal, so I found a bowl from yesterday, so I could have half today & save half for lunch another day.


I picked up Emerson after school like normal, and we headed home. I told her tomorrow is my birthday, and she sang “Happy Birthday” to me about three or four times, so super sweetly.

And then about halfway home, she started saying (out of nowhere) that she wanted donuts. I told her we didn’t have any at home, and that we weren’t going to stop & get any, and she got sooo mad at me! She then whined & cried the whole way home, saying, “Nooo Mommy, I want donuuuuuuts!” So this is what she looked like when we finally made it home. She was clearly very disappointed.


She kept whining for a few more minutes, and then when I asked her to feed Pretzel, she cheered up and was fine!


I made homemade pizza for dinner tonight, and this little girl sat at the kitchen counter eating a pack of gummies and 1 pepperoni while I worked. And then her and Daddy got the mail and took out some trash, she “vacuumed” and did some drawing, and I washed a few dishes while the pizzas cooked.




She also found a stash of decorative napkins in my cabinets, and proceeded to carry them all over to the table, and of course make a decent mess in the process.


A few notes: I only drank a few sips of sweet tea last night, so I had the rest for dinner; we haven’t finished the toy chest project, so the table is still partially covered with non-food items like polyurethane; Walmart substituted my mozzarella cheese for “Velveeta Shreds, Mozzarella flavor” and it was NOT good and all but ruined the pizza tonight. Womp womp womp… I was also very bothered with the fact it said “flavor.” The second disappointment of the evening.



After our disappointing pizza for dinner, we all snuggled on the couch together, watching Spiderman videos, at Emerson’s request. Even after the double disappointment of no donuts and bad pizza, we had a good night together as a little family.


We got her dressed in her jammies, and read some bedtime books together.


She went down pretty easy, and gave me lots of sweet hugs and kisses and “I love you’s.” Then Jeff and I got to work! The progress on the toy chest from last weekend stalled a little, after we decided we wanted to put some rubber things on it to protect the hardwood floors. But the way it’s built, there wasn’t enough space to put them on. So we ordered some tiny little legs to put on the bottom, so we could attach the rubber things, so we just got those in yesterday. And then Jeff decided it needed one more coat of paint, so here we are, finally getting back to it. Goal is to finish by this weekend. The poly coat needs a few days to “cure” so hopefully by Saturday it’ll be ready to go.


I also spent a TON of time washing a TON of dishes. I did a lot of cooking over the last few days, but wasn’t keeping up with the dishes. And as you can see from the long line-up on the stove, there was quite a lot to catch up on. I did get all but a few utensils, mugs & silverware washed, so I’m calling that good enough for tonight. and with a clean counter-top, and a nice smelling candle, it makes everything better!


Oh and also, I’m feeling better today, and not even partially sick. I am going to drink one more cup of Emergen-C, just for good measure. And after all that dish-washing, it’s time for Mama to plop down on the couch & rest!

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