Dino Day

New matching dino dresses for my dino girlies today! (Had to use that bright flash in the dreary rainy weather this morning, and Addie wasn’t so sure about that.)

Then we saw Aunt Meggie and the trippies at daycare!

And Emmie did good at her own drop-off!

Cute little pictures of Addie having fun at school today.

For about 9 months now, I’ve been searching for this book series at thrift stores every time I go. So far, I’ve only found one of the five books. Until today that is… when an old daycare teacher who works at the Goodwill bookstore, and has been watching out for these for me, texted me that she got this one in today! Its coincidentally the second in the series, and the second I’ve gotten so far.

After picking up Addison from school, I got her all tucked in with a blankie since it was a little chilly this afternoon, and she was so cozy and very happy about it.

Before I left the house today for work, I dumped a pork roast into the crockpot for our dinner tonight. Which turned out to be convenient, since Jeff was at the office this afternoon, and got held up late finishing up some stuff. So he wasn’t home yet in time for dinner, but luckily it was really easy to get everything ready. The girls and I ate first, and then he got home right as we were finishing up.

Addison tore up her tiny dinner plate. This was her shoving in the last little pea, and then immediately doing her little sign language for “more.” (second picture below)

Also, look at all these perfect little curlies in the back of this little blondie!

Daddy took care of Addison for us after dinner, so that Emerson and I could do a dinosaur puzzle. We didn’t actually choose it on purpose for dino day, but that just worked out as a perfect coincidence.

Then Addie found a little dum-dum sucker she wanted, so Emmie found another one, and we let them both have one. Then strangely, they both laid down like this next to each other, to watch this DIY building video thing Jeff was watching. They stayed there quiet and still for like 5 minutes, and Jeff and I just kept looking at them and silently looking back at each other like, “You see this? You see these girls?! Why are they so into this show?!”

At bedtime, Emerson chose to start reading this Junior Classics version of Dr. Doolittle, that she got for Christmas from my step-brother. I’ve never actually read this classic book, so it’ll be good for me too!

This adorable face is after she was trying to read a few sentences, and successfully sounded out “doctor,” when she actually registered what word she was saying.

We know Addison always falls asleep with Daddy, but this particular position tonight made me giggle. So sweet.

I washed up some dishes earlier while waiting on the noodles to boil before dinner, so things aren’t too bad right now, and so I’m just gonna leave what’s left for tomorrow… I’m ready to just veg out the rest of the night!


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