Cuban Breakfast & Triplet Snuggles

Y’all. This kid has had some serious morning bedhead lately (now that her hair is really growing), and I’m loving it!

Last night I finished reading “Next Year in Havana,” so this morning I had the bright idea to take the family to breakfast at a Cuban restaurant. This iced Cuban coffee and guava cheese pastry was delish, but Jeff’s bacon, egg & cheese on Cuban bread was definitely the best! Also, the book was amazing, and I’d definitely recommend it for fellow historical fiction fans. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (And yes, I am totally the girl who took a book to a restaurant just yo take a photo of it with my breakfast.)

Jeff’s bacon, egg & cheese on Cuban bread, came served with these little crispy fry chip thingies. (I took photos of my book with his food & mine, to see which I liked better for Instagram. Yes, I’m a weirdo.)

Bacon, egg & cheese empanada.

Guava cheese pastry.

There were birds in this tree in the parking lot, and she was waving at them so sweetly. She was so excited about seeing them!

After breakfast, we were planning to go to the library, but we needed to kill some time before they opened. (I thought they opened at 9, but it actually wasn’t until 10.) So we decided to drive across town for a quick visit with Megan & Bo, at their new house! Emmie loved seeing them, and their big doggies. This one is Bear, and he’s gigantic, but Emmie isn’t afraid of him one bit. (She was carrying around a duster while we were there, and Aunt Meggie was trying to put her to work!)

After spending about 20 minutes at their house, we headed to the library. And since we we were on the far East side of town, we went to the Pedrick Road library branch, and it was so nice! We usually go to the downtown one (closest to our house & my office), but dang the Eastside branch is just on a whole nother level! It was even built to look like the beautiful Mission San Luis, over here on our west side of town.

We returned some of the kids books from this last week, and browsed around to pick out a few more.

And I bought this paperback book for 50¢, from The Friends of the Library section, where they sell used books. They have the cheapest used books in town, at 50¢ for a paperback, $1 for a hardback, and $2 for cookbooks & coffee table books. So remember that section of the library next time you’re there.

After our fun morning out & about, we came home to get Emmie down for her nap. And she was out in about three minutes flat. We had about an hour at home to just rest & chill while she napped, and then Grammy came over to the house. And we got to go to the hospital to spend some time with the triplets!!! We got to stay for a couple of hours today, and throughout our time I got to hold all three of the girls, and I helped feed Kensley. They are just so stinking little and beautiful and so sweet! And I love them all so much!

Jeff holding Riley Lynn.

Megan holding Ellie Grace.

Me holding Kensley Hope!

Ellie in her bed.

Kensley & her Mommy ❤️

My turn with Riley.

And then my turn with Ellie!

While we were at the hospital with the triplets, Emerson was having a playdate with Grammy and Pepaw! After she woke up from her nap at our house, my mom took her back to their house, and they had all sorts of fun times together.

By the time we got back to their house, we caught up to them just as they were finishing up a little wagon ride.

She kept saying “jeep jeep,” so we tried to take her for a ride, but unfortunately the battery was dead, so we only made it about halfway across the front yard before it died. We took it back inside to charge, and we’ll go back and try again tomorrow.

We stayed and hung out at their house for a few hours late this afternoon, and then we went to Beef’O’Brady’s to meet the family for dinner. Uncle Keith and Aunt Suzanne had also gotten to go up to the hospital late this afternoon, to hold the girls. So after they finished, all of us met for a somewhat impromptu dinner.

Our little 3-fam ordered first before everyone was even there, so that we could get our food and head out, since we knew Emerson wouldn’t last too long at a sit-down style restaurant. We still got to be with everyone for a while though, and I was grateful for the family time we had. We came home and gave Emerson a bath, and then got her ready for bed.

Even though we didn’t necessarily do much today, or have a hard day and anyway, Jeff and I were both strangely exhausted by the time dinner was over. So we’re both and are comfy clothes now and settled in for the evening to watch a movie (Bohemian Rhapsody) and rest.

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