Can Tabs & Cousins

Today’s blog post will be short and sweet, because not much happened and I didn’t take many photos…

Meg brought the triplets to school for drop-off at the same time as us today, and we were all so glad to see each other. These four girls are just so cute and sweet together!

They were all wanting to hold Emmie’s hand, but we settled for one long line and everyone was still happy.

My coworker told me yesterday that she had some can tabs to bring in that her and her friends had been collecting (for us to donate to our Jax Ronald McDonald house). Then this ginormous thing was sitting on my desk this morning, and I was blown away!


Emmie had a good day at school, took a decent nap, and had fun playing with her friends.

I got stuck at work late again today, so Jeff ran out to pick up Emerson. And she was so excited today, because he turned her car seat around in his car, to be forward facing for the first time! We’ve been waiting until she reached 30 pounds before turning her around. But the car seat we have in Jeff’s car is smaller and she was getting really super smushed. Plus, she’s 28 pounds, so that’s suuuper close. We’ll still wait to turn her in my car though, cuz she’s still comfy in there for now. But she was excited about this, and the “loddipop” he brought for her!

At home, she wanted to crawl back in her pile of stuffed animals and call Daddy in her room to scare him again…



They stayed in her room playing and coloring while I made dinner and washed some dishes (no photos of dinner-time though). And then we snuggled and watched “Madeline” together on the couch after we ate.

We got Emmie ready for bed, and went through our whole books and prayers and lullabies routine, and everything went well again tonight.

I had so many great texts and messages from sweet friends and fellow mama’s today, some with encouraging words, and most because they had been through gestational diabetes themselves. They gave me good tips and advice, and ideas for both meals and snacks. One sweet friend asked what I needed or what she could help with, and I jokingly said, “Someone to meal plan for me and prepare all my food!” Instead, she very graciously sent me a BiteSquad gift card, to use on one of those nights I just didn’t feel like cooking! I was very appreciative of that kind gift 🙂

Tonight though, I’m just feeling a little blah (you know how that mood happens sometimes), so I’m just gonna chill and relax and watch tv, and then head off to bed soon, just like usual.

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