Butter Noodles

Sweet little girl had another good morning drop-off, with no tears or problems! On the way there in the car, she started saying Q, so I said “no Q is your old teacher.” But she said “no, Q, Q, Q!” I repeated myself, but she said, “Q dinner!” So I said, “oh you mean Aunt Suzanne?” (Her nickname Suzy Q.) And she said “yes! Dinner!” So then she told me all of our usual family dinner people, one by one! She loves her family.




This is when she was looking for pockets and her dress, and realizing there weren’t any!



Since I wasn’t a huge fan of the vodka sauce with ground turkey last night, I didn’t want to bring the leftovers for my lunch today. So instead, I brought the rest of the plain bow-tie noodles, along with my tub of butter & shaker of Parmesan cheese, and ate it exactly how my toddler likes it. And you know what, it was pretty good! Also, I started a new library book that I’m pretty excited about.



Also during my lunch break, I bought the Fleetwood Mac “Rumors” vinyl record off of eBay. It’s been my go-to music the last few months on Google Play Music. This was actually my first time purchasing from eBay. But it was wayyy cheaper on eBay than on Amazon. We have actually been searching for it at all the used record places around town lately, but I finally realized the chances of us finding it here in Tally were basically NIL. So since it was only $12.50 (including tax & shipping) on eBay, I decided to just go ahead and order it online! So I’m really excited to get that in the mail sometime next week.


She had a good day at school, but then it fo even better at the end of the day…

This is Grandparent’s Reading Week at Growing Room, so Grammy signed up to read a book to Emerson’s class today! She took a new book she had at her house already, but hadn’t yet given to Emerson, called “I’m A Hungry Dinosaur.” Emerson loves dinosaurs, and she loves her Grammy, so I know it must have been so great for her! And I absolutely LOVE this first picture of the two of them! 😍♥️

Then Grammy got to just take her with her when they finished, for us to all meet up for dinner at Chicken Salad Chick.

Tonight at choir, someone had brought this old picture from our very first Singing Christmas Tree, back in 2003! This was in our old sanctuary, before we built our new building (opened in 2006), and the tree was actually smaller. (We now have three more rows in the bottom, and this year we’re adding on even one more row on the very bottom!) In the photo below, I’m on the right of the second row from the top.

Our Christmas choir kick-off is next weekend, and we’ve already been talking about it for a couple of months. Last year we had about 50 singers. This year’s goal was to double it, and we’ve currently got about 115 signed up so far! (Of course, some will drop out or get sick or have other obligations, so we’re still hoping for 100.) You don’t have to be a member to sing, so if you’re interested, consider this my personal invitation to you to come join me and sing!

When we picked up Emerson from her class, she wanted to go find the family. She asked to see them last week after church too, so we had gone to find Uncle Keith at praise team rehearsal, but he was the only one left. She remembered that tonight, and kept asking to “so see Uncle Keef? Go see Uncle Keef?” We told her he was gone already, but we stj had to go in to the sanctuary to prove it to her. We promised her we could see the family again soon. After all that, Emmie was very adamant about wanting to ride in Daddy’s car after church, so of course she got what she wanted!

At home, we got her dressed in her jammies and ready for bed, and she was so proud of herself for putting on one of her own socks.

Jeff got stuck at work late, so he missed family dinner. He stopped to grab fast food on the way home, and Emmie wanted to share some fries in the couch. It was late, but we told her two fries, and one song, and she was happy with that arrangement.

Then she was really sweet and snuggly during books and prayers, and loved cuddling up in her donut muslin blanky. After our three lullabies, she was ready to lay down!

We’re of course going to watch an episode of “Fringe” now before bedtime.

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