
The morning started out with books, as usual lately! She’s just really into books these days!

And then I finished my audio book after drop off… 2 stars. Not for me.

But I immediately started a new one, and with my driving and dish-washing tonight, I’m almost 50% through it already (since it’s a short audio book), and I’ve literally laughed out loud multiple times.

The next four photos were sent from her teachers at daycare. The caption on the first one said she was tired & trying to find a quiet spot before nap time, and climbed in the bookshelf! Mrs. Q told her that even though she fit perfectly, climbing wasn’t safe, so she got down. And when I saw this whole thing, I laughed so much!

Then when I got there to pick her up after work, I opened the front doors and she was standing there staring at me in the lobby! Apparently she didn’t want to ride in the buggy with the rest of her friends, so one of the teachers was letting her just wander around. I swear that girl is getting spoiled by all of the teachers at Growing Room!

We decided we wanted to have pancakes for upcoming Saturday morning breakfast, since we usually just rotate the same two or three things. So as I mentioned yesterday, we did a Walmart grocery pick-up order, and they had to substitute the box of pancake mix I ordered. So instead of a 32 oz box, we got an 80 ounce box! We decided we’re going to be eating a lot more pancakes in our future, in order not to waste this giant box. So we started out with breakfast for dinner tonight with pancakes and bacon, brinner! And I got down the Christmas plates for the first time this year, since I had forgotten to get them down when I got the rest of our Christmas stuff out.

And now I realize you can’t tell from the picture how big the box is, because it looks normal from the front, but it’s about 2 inches thick and weighs 5 pounds!

Emerson was absolutely loving the pancakes, and she was doing her little happy food dance while she was eating. It’s so cute and so funny!

After dinner, the three of us were playing and just having fun, and Emerson was running all over the place. She got going too fast and stumbled, and ended up falling on her face. Her right cheek skidded across the tile floor and our kitchen, and of course she was super upset. I scooped her up and loved her, and she calm down really quickly, but her cheek was already starting to turn pink. We tried to put ice on it, but she really wasn’t feeling that. Instead she just wanted to play with the little ice pack herself, even though her hands were getting so cold. Her cheek started to bruise a little bit before bed time, but I’m praying it won’t look too bad in the morning.

Then we played in her teepee for a few more minutes. She kept wanting Pretzel to join her in there, so we practically bribed him to get in there with her.

And also, she’s been loving to carry around this tiny little Christmas pail for the last few weeks.

After getting Emerson ready for bed, she had her milk and was ready to go to sleep right away. I came back out and washed all the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, and everything looks spick-and-span now. Once I finish my blog, I’m going to read my book (The Brutal Telling by Louise Penny), for a little bit. My digital library loan ends tonight, and I’m about 90% through the book. I have to finish it tonight, because there are holds on it, and I can’t re-check it out. So, now it’s time to read!

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